Phase I Shewhart X-Bar Chart

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Documentation for package ‘PH1XBAR’ version 0.11.1

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PH1XBAR-package Phase I Shewhart X-bar Control Chart
bore_diameter_data Bore Diameter in Manufacturing Automotive Driver Gears (mm)
getCC get Phase I corrected charting constant
getCC.ARMA get Phase I corrected charting constant with an ARMA model
getCC.XBAR get Phase I corrected charting constant
grinder_data Thickness measurement of silicon waffer
PH1ARMA Build Phase I individual control chart with an ARMA model using a corrected charting constant
PH1XBAR Build Phase I X-bar control chart with a corrected charting constant
preston_data Prescription fentanyl consumption in Preston county, WV
snowfall_data Snowfall in inches in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN