ReconstructProbDup {PGRdup}R Documentation

Reconstruct an object of class ProbDup


ReconstructProbDup reconstructs a data frame of probable duplicate sets created using the function ReviewProbDup and subjected to manual clerical review, back into an object of class ProbDup.





A data frame with the the core columns(fields) SET_NO, TYPE, K, PRIM_ID, DEL, SPLIT, COUNT and IDKW


A data frame created using the function ReviewProbDup from an object of class ProbDup for manual clerical review of identified probable duplicate sets can be reconstituted back to the same object after the review using this function. The instructions for modifying the sets entered in the appropriate format in the columns DEL and SPLIT during clerical review are taken into account for reconstituting the probable duplicate sets.

Any records with Y in column DEL are deleted and records with identical integers in the column SPLIT other than the default 0 are reassembled into a new set.


An object of class ProbDup with the modified fuzzy, phonetic and semantic probable duplicate sets according to the instructions specified under clerical review.

See Also

ProbDup, ReviewProbDup


## Not run: 

# Load PGR passport database
GN <- GN1000

# Specify as a vector the database fields to be used
GNfields <- c("NationalID", "CollNo", "DonorID", "OtherID1", "OtherID2")

# Clean the data
GN[GNfields] <- lapply(GN[GNfields], function(x) DataClean(x))
y1 <- list(c("Gujarat", "Dwarf"), c("Castle", "Cary"), c("Small", "Japan"),
c("Big", "Japan"), c("Mani", "Blanco"), c("Uganda", "Erect"),
c("Mota", "Company"))
y2 <- c("Dark", "Light", "Small", "Improved", "Punjab", "SAM")
y3 <- c("Local", "Bold", "Cary", "Mutant", "Runner", "Giant", "No.",
        "Bunch", "Peanut")
GN[GNfields] <- lapply(GN[GNfields], function(x) MergeKW(x, y1, delim = c("space", "dash")))
GN[GNfields] <- lapply(GN[GNfields], function(x) MergePrefix(x, y2, delim = c("space", "dash")))
GN[GNfields] <- lapply(GN[GNfields], function(x) MergeSuffix(x, y3, delim = c("space", "dash")))

# Generate KWIC index
GNKWIC <- KWIC(GN, GNfields)

# Specify the exceptions as a vector
exep <- c("A", "B", "BIG", "BOLD", "BUNCH", "C", "COMPANY", "CULTURE", 
         "DARK", "E", "EARLY", "EC", "ERECT", "EXOTIC", "FLESH", "GROUNDNUT", 
         "LIGHT", "LOCAL", "OF", "OVERO", "P", "PEANUT", "PURPLE", "R", 
         "RED", "RUNNER", "S1", "SAM", "SMALL", "SPANISH", "TAN", "TYPE", 
         "U", "VALENCIA", "VIRGINIA", "WHITE")
# Specify the synsets as a list
syn <- list(c("CHANDRA", "AH114"), c("TG1", "VIKRAM"))

# Fetch probable duplicate sets
GNdup <- ProbDup(kwic1 = GNKWIC, method = "a", excep = exep, fuzzy = TRUE,
                 phonetic = TRUE, encoding = "primary", 
                 semantic = TRUE, syn = syn)

# Get disjoint probable duplicate sets of each kind
disGNdup <- DisProbDup(GNdup, combine = NULL)

# Get the data frame for reviewing the duplicate sets identified
RevGNdup <- ReviewProbDup(pdup = disGNdup, db1 = GN1000,
                          extra.db1 = c("SourceCountry", "TransferYear"), 
                          max.count = 30, insert.blanks = TRUE)
# Examine and review the duplicate sets using edit function
RevGNdup <- edit(RevGNdup)

# Examine and make changes to a set
subset(RevGNdup, SET_NO==12 & TYPE=="P", select= c(IDKW, DEL, SPLIT))
RevGNdup[c(110, 112, 114, 118, 121, 122, 124), 6] <- "Y"
RevGNdup[c(111, 115, 128), 7] <- 1
RevGNdup[c(113, 117, 120), 7] <- 2
RevGNdup[c(116, 119), 7] <- 3
RevGNdup[c(123, 125), 7] <- 4
RevGNdup[c(126, 127), 7] <- 5
subset(RevGNdup, SET_NO==12 & TYPE=="P", select= c(IDKW, DEL, SPLIT))

# Reconstruct ProDup object
GNdup2 <- ReconstructProbDup(RevGNdup)
lapply(disGNdup, nrow)
lapply(GNdup2, nrow)

## End(Not run)

[Package PGRdup version Index]