PGRdup-package | The PGRdup Package |
AddProbDup | Add probable duplicate sets fields to the PGR passport database |
DataClean | Clean PGR passport data |
DisProbDup | Get disjoint probable duplicate sets |
DoubleMetaphone | 'Double Metaphone' phonetic algorithm |
GN1000 | Sample groundnut PGR passport data |
KWCounts | Generate keyword counts |
KWIC | Create a KWIC index |
MergeKW | Merge keyword strings |
MergePrefix | Merge keyword strings |
MergeProbDup | Merge two objects of class 'ProbDup' |
MergeSuffix | Merge keyword strings |
ParseProbDup | Parse an object of class 'ProbDup' to a data frame. |
PGRdup | The PGRdup Package |
print.KWIC | Prints summary of 'KWIC' object. |
print.ProbDup | Prints summary of 'ProbDup' object. |
ProbDup | Identify probable duplicates of accessions |
read.genesys | Convert 'Darwin Core - Germplasm' zip archive to a flat file |
ReconstructProbDup | Reconstruct an object of class ProbDup |
ReviewProbDup | Retrieve probable duplicate set information from PGR passport database for review |
SplitProbDup | Split an object of class 'ProbDup' |
ValidatePrimKey | Validate if a data frame column confirms to primary key/ID constraints |
ViewProbDup | Visualize the probable duplicate sets retrieved in a 'ProbDup' object |