Principal Covariates Regression

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Documentation for package ‘PCovR’ version 2.7.2

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PCovR-package Principal Covariates Regression
alexithymia Effect of alexithymia on depression and self-esteem
ErrorRatio Error variance ratio
PCovR Principal Covariates Regression
pcovr Full Principal covariates regression analysis of a specific data set
pcovr.default Full Principal covariates regression analysis of a specific data set
pcovr_est Estimation of Principal Covariates Regression parameters, given a prespecified weighting value and number of components
plot.pcovr Full Principal covariates regression analysis of a specific data set
print.pcovr Full Principal covariates regression analysis of a specific data set
promin Promin rotation
psychiatrists Effect of psychiatric symptoms on toxicomania, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorder
SortLoadings Sorting a component loading matrix
summary.pcovr Full Principal covariates regression analysis of a specific data set
tarrotob Oblique target rotation
wvarim Weighted varimax