showVignettes {PBSmodelling}R Documentation

Display Vignettes for Packages


Create a GUI that displays all vignettes for installed packages. The user can choose to view the source file for building the vignette or the final .pdf file.





character string specifying package name that exists in the user's R library


If the argument package is not specified, the function will look for vignettes in all packages installed on the user's system. The user can choose to view the source file for building the vignette (usually *.Rnw or *.Snw files) or the final build from the source code (*.pdf).

showVignettes uses the PBSmodelling function openFile to display the .Rnw and .pdf files using programs that the system associates with these extensions. On systems that do not support file extension associations, the function setPBSext can temporarily set a command to associate with an extension.


Anisa Egeli, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo BC

See Also

showHelp, openFile, setPBSext, getPBSext

[Package PBSmodelling version 2.69.3 Index]