.get_ott_lineage |
Get the lineage of a set of taxa. '.get_ott_lineage' uses 'rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info()' with 'include_lineage = TRUE'. |
check_ott_input |
Check input for other functions |
classification_paths_from_taxonomy |
Gets classification paths for a vector of taxa |
clean_ott_chronogram |
Clean up some issues with Open Tree of Life chronograms For now it 1) checks unmapped taxa and maps them with tnrs_match.phylo, 2) roots the chronogram if unrooted |
clean_taxon_info_children |
Identify, extract and clean taxonomic children names from a 'taxonomy_taxon_info()' output. |
clean_tnrs |
Eliminates unmatched (NAs) and invalid taxa from a 'rotl::tnrs_match_names()' or 'tnrs_match()' output. Useful to get ott ids to retrieve an induced synthetic Open Tree of Life. Needed because using 'include_suppressed = FALSE' in 'rotl::tnrs_match_names()' does not drop all invalid taxa. |
date_with_pbdb |
Date with Paleobiology Database and paleotree. |
extract_ott_ids |
Get OTT ids from a character vector containing species names and OTT ids. |
extract_ott_ids.default |
Get OTT ids from a character vector containing species names and OTT ids. |
get_fossil_range |
Get the ages for a taxon from PBDB |
get_opentree_chronograms |
Get all chronograms from Open Tree of Life database |
get_otol_chronograms |
Get all chronograms from Open Tree of Life database |
get_ott_children |
Use this instead of 'rotl::tol_subtree()' when taxa are not in synthesis tree and you still need to get all species or an induced OpenTree subtree |
get_ott_clade |
Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifiers (OTT ids) and name of one or several given taxonomic ranks from one or more input taxa. |
get_ott_lineage |
Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and name of all lineages from one or more input taxa. |
get_valid_children |
Extract valid children from given taxonomic name(s) or Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifiers (OTT ids) from a taxonomic source. |
is_good_chronogram |
Check if a tree is a valid chronogram. |
is_phylo |
Checks if 'phy' is a 'phylo' object and/or a chronogram. |
make_all_associations |
Find all authors and where they have deposited their trees |
make_contributor_cache |
Create a cache from Open Tree of Life |
make_otol_associations |
Associate Open Tree of Life authors with studies |
make_overlap_table |
Create an overlap table |
make_treebase_associations |
Associate TreeBase authors with studies |
make_treebase_cache |
Create a cache from TreeBase |
map_nodes_ott |
Add Open Tree of Life Taxonomy to tree nodes. |
opentree_chronograms |
Open Tree of Life Chronogram database in R |
phylo_has_brlen |
Check if a tree has branch lengths |
phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore |
Convert spaces to underscores in trees. |
phylo_tiplabel_underscore_to_space |
Convert underscores to spaces in trees. |
problematic_chronograms |
Problematic chronograms from Open Tree of Life. |
recover_mrcaott |
Get an mrcaott tag from an OpenTree induced synthetic tree and get its name and ott id |
summarize_fossil_range |
Summarize taxon age from PBDB to just a single min and max age |
tnrs_match |
Taxon name resolution service (tnrs) applied to a vector of names by batches |
tnrs_match.default |
Taxon name resolution service (tnrs) applied to a vector of names by batches |
tnrs_match.phylo |
Taxon name resolution service (tnrs) applied to a vector of names by batches |
tree_from_taxonomy |
Gets a taxonomic tree from a vector of taxa |
update_all_cached |
Update all data files as data objects for the package |
update_datelife_cache |
Create an updated OpenTree chronograms database object |