OncoBayes2 {OncoBayes2} | R Documentation |
Bayesian logistic regression model with optional EXchangeability-NonEXchangeability parameter modelling for flexible borrowing from historical or concurrent data-sources. The safety model can guide dose-escalation decisions for adaptive Oncology phase I dose-escalation trials which involve an arbitrary number of drugs.
Global Options
Option | Default | Description |
OncoBayes2.MC.warmup | 1000 | MCMC warmup iterations |
OncoBayes2.MC.iter | 2000 | total MCMC iterations |
OncoBayes2.MC.save_warmup | TRUE | save warmup samples |
OncoBayes2.MC.chains | 4 | MCMC chains |
OncoBayes2.MC.thin | 1 | MCMC thinning |
OncoBayes2.MC.control | list(adapt_delta=0.99, | sets control argument for Stan call |
stepsize=0.1 ) | ||
OncoBayes2.MC.backend | rstan | Backend used to run Stan (rstan or cmdstanr ) |
OncoBayes2.abbreviate.min | 0 | Minimal length of variable names |
when abbreviating variable names. | ||
The default 0 disables abbreviation. | ||
Neuenschwander, B., Roychoudhury, S., & Schmidli, H. (2016). On the use of co-data in clinical trials. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 8(3), 345-354.
Neuenschwander, B., Wandel, S., Roychoudhury, S., & Bailey, S. (2016). Robust exchangeability designs for early phase clinical trials with multiple strata. Pharmaceutical statistics, 15(2), 123-134.
Neuenschwander, B., Branson, M., & Gsponer, T. (2008). Critical aspects of the Bayesian approach to phase I cancer trials. Statistics in medicine, 27(13), 2420-2439.
Neuenschwander, B., Matano, A., Tang, Z., Roychoudhury, S., Wandel, S. Bailey, Stuart. (2014). A Bayesian Industry Approach to Phase I Combination Trials in Oncology. In Statistical methods in drug combination studies (Vol. 69). CRC Press.
Stan Development Team (2019). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.19.2. https://mc-stan.org