Sylt data set {OceanView}R Documentation

Hydrodynamic model output (getm) of Sylt-Romo Bight


3D Sylt-tidal simulation model output generated by the GETM model version 2.2.2.

The Sylt-Romo bight is a Wadden Sea embayment in the North Sea, between the Danish island Romo and the German island Sylt at about 55 dg N and 8 dg E, an area of approximately 300 km^2.





Karline Soetaert <>


Hans Burchard and Karsten Bolding, 2002. GETM, A General Estuarine Transport Model, Scientific Documentation. EUR 20253 EN.

See Also

image2D for plotting images, package plot3D.

ImageOcean for an image of the ocean's bathymetry, package plot3D.

scatter2D for making scatterplots, package plot3D.

Oxsat for a 3-D data set, package plot3D.


# save plotting parameters
 pm <- par("mfrow")
 mar <- par("mar")
## =============================================================================
## Show position of transect and 3D box in bathymetry
## =============================================================================  

 par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
 par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4))

 x <- Syltsurf$x ; y <- Syltsurf$y ; depth <- Syltsurf$depth
 image2D(z = depth, x = x, y = y, clab = c("depth", "m"))

# position of transect 
 with (Sylttran, points (x, rep(y, length(x)), 
         pch = 16, col = "grey"))
# position of 3-D area
 with (Sylt3D, rect(x[1], y[1], x[length(x)], y[length(y)], lwd = 3))
 image2D(z = depth, x = x, y = y, clab = c("depth", "m"), log = "z")

# sigma coordinates of the transect (at time = 10)
 matplot(Sylttran$x, Sylttran$sigma[,,10], type = "l", 
         main = "sigma", ylim = c(25, -2), col = "black", lty = 1)

# perspective view - reduce resolution for speed
 ix <- seq(1, length(x), by = 3)
 iy <- seq(1, length(y), by = 3)
 par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 2))
 persp3D(z = -depth[ix, iy], x = x[ix], y = y[iy], 
   scale = FALSE, expand = 0.2, ticktype = "detailed", 
   col = "grey", shade = 0.6, bty = "f",
   plot = FALSE)

# add 3-D region; small amount added to z so that it is visible in rgl   
 persp3D(z = -Sylt3D$depth + 1e-3, x = Sylt3D$x, y = Sylt3D$y, 
   col = alpha.col("red", alpha = 0.4), add = TRUE,
   plot = FALSE)

# transect
 with (Sylttran, points3D(x = x, y = rep(y, length(x)), 
   z = rep(0, length(x)), pch = 16, add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE))

## Not run: 
 plotrgl(lighting = TRUE, new = FALSE, smooth = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## =============================================================================
## Data Syltsurf: Surface elevation
## =============================================================================  

 par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
# reduce resolution for speed
 ix <- seq(1, length(x), by = 3)
 iy <- seq(1, length(y), by = 3)

 clim <- range(Syltsurf$elev, na.rm = TRUE)
 for (i in 1:3) 
   persp3D(z = -depth[ix, iy], colvar = Syltsurf$elev[ix,iy,i], 
     x = x[ix], y = y[iy], clim = clim, inttype = 2,  d = 2, 
     scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, colkey = FALSE, shade = 0.5, 
       main = paste(format(Syltsurf$time[i], digits = 3), " hr"))
 par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
 colkey(clim = clim, clab = c("elevation", "m")) 
# can also be done using shaded image2D plots, faster
 par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
 clim <- range(Syltsurf$elev, na.rm = TRUE)
 for (i in 1:3) 
   image2D(z = -depth[ix, iy], colvar = Syltsurf$elev[ix,iy,i], 
     x = x[ix], y = y[iy], clim = clim, 
     colkey = FALSE, shade = 0.3, resfac = 2,
       main = paste(format(Syltsurf$time[i], digits = 3), " hr"))
 colkey(clim = clim, clab = c("elevation", "m")) 

## =============================================================================
## Data Syltsurf: Surface currents
## =============================================================================  
 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
 Speed <- sqrt(Syltsurf$u[,,2]^2 + Syltsurf$v[,,2]^2)

 with (Syltsurf,
   quiver2D(x = x, y = y, u = u[,,2], v = v[,,2], col = gg.col(100),
     xlim = c(5, 20), ylim = c(10, 25), by = 3, 
     colvar = Speed, clab = c("speed", "m/s"), 
     main = paste(formatC(time[1]), " hr"), scale = 1.5, 
     image = list(z = depth, x = x, y = y, col = "white",  #background
       NAcol = "darkblue"),
     contour = list(z = depth, x = x, y = y, col = "black",#depth 
       lwd = 2)

## =============================================================================
## Data Sylttran: plot a transect
## =============================================================================

 par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2))
 D   <- seq(-1, 20, by = 0.02)

 visc <- mapsigma (Sylttran$visc [ , ,1], x = Sylttran$x, 
     sigma = Sylttran$sigma[ , ,1], depth = D, resfac = 2)

 image2D(visc$var, x = visc$x, y = -visc$depth, ylim = c(-20, 1),
     main = "eddy viscosity", ylab = "m", xlab = "hour", 
     clab = "m2/s")
# show position of timeseries in next example
 abline(v = visc$x[45])  

## =============================================================================
## Data Sylttran: plot a time-series
## =============================================================================

 par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 3))
 ix <- 45 

 visct <-  Sylttran$visc  [ix, ,]
 sig   <-  Sylttran$sigma [ix, ,]  

# sigma coordinates are first dimension (signr)
 visc <- mapsigma(visct, sigma = sig, signr = 1, 
   x = Sylttran$time, numdepth = 100, resfac = 3)
 D    <- -visc$depth

 image2D(t(visc$var), x = visc$x, y = D, NAcol = "black", 
   ylim = range(D), main = "eddy viscosity", 
   ylab = "m", xlab = "hour", clab = "m2/s")

## =============================================================================
## Data Sylt3D: increase resolution and map from sigma to depth
## =============================================================================

# select a time series point
 it <- 1
 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
 sigma  <- Sylt3D$sigma[,,,it]
 visc   <- Sylt3D$visc [,,,it]  
 (D <- dim(sigma))     # x, y, z
# remap the data from sigma coordinates to depth coordinates
# depth from max in first box to max in last box
 depth <- seq(max(sigma[,,D[3]], na.rm = TRUE), 
              max(sigma[,,1   ], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 20)

# Step-bystep mapping, increasing the resolution
 z    <- 1:21
 x    <- Sylt3D$x
 y    <- Sylt3D$y

 xto <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 30)
 yto <- seq(min(y), max(y), length.out = 30)

# higher resolution 
 Sigma <- remap(sigma, x, y, z, xto, yto, zto = z)$var
 Visc  <- remap(visc, x, y, z, xto, yto, zto = z)$var

# viscosity in sigma coordinates
 visc_sig <- mapsigma(Visc, sigma = Sigma, depth = depth)

## =============================================================================
## The 3-D data set - plotted as slices
## =============================================================================

 slice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var, 
   scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, NAcol = "transparent", 
   ys = yto[seq(1, length(yto), length.out = 10)], plot = FALSE, 
   colkey = list(side = 1))
 persp3D(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, add = TRUE, 
   border = "black", facets = NA, colkey = FALSE)

# visualise it in rgl window

## the same, as a movie

 persp3Drgl(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, smooth = TRUE, 
   col = "grey", lighting = TRUE)

 movieslice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var, 
   add = TRUE, ys = yto)

# in order to wait inbetween slice drawings until a key is hit:
## Not run: 
 persp3Drgl(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, smooth = TRUE, 
   col = "grey", lighting = TRUE)
 movieslice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var, add = TRUE, 
   ask = TRUE, ys = yto)

## End(Not run)

## =============================================================================
## The 3-D data set - plotted as isosurfaces
## =============================================================================

 isosurf3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var, 
   level = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.015), col = c("red", "blue", "green"), 
   scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, ticktype = "detailed", 
   main = "viscosity", clab = "m2/s", 
   plot = FALSE, colkey = list(side = 1))
 persp3D(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, border = "black", 
   col = "white", add = TRUE, plot = FALSE)

## Not run: 
 plotdev(alpha = 0.3, phi = 30)         # this is slow

## End(Not run)
 plotrgl(alpha = 0.3)

# reset plotting parameters
 par(mar = mar)
 par(mfrow = pm)

[Package OceanView version 1.0.7 Index]