3-D data set {plot3D}R Documentation

Yearly averaged oxygen saturation from the NODC World Ocean Atlas 2005.


Percentage Oxygen Saturation from the NODC World Ocean Atlas 2005 (WOA05).

The values are gridded in 2dg * 2dg longitude - latitude sets, and there are 33 depth intervals.




list with


The “objectively analyzed climatology” has been used to extract these data.

The original data were averaged over the 4 seasons, and converted to half the resolution for latitude and longitude. The longitude was converted to the European view, i.e. the original data from (0, 360) was changed to (-180, 180).


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>



Originally made available by CSIRO:

Mark A. Collier and Paul J. Durack, 2005. CSIRO netCDF version of the NODC World Ocean Atlas 2005. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper 015. December 2006

See Also

image2D for plotting.


# save plotting parameters
 pm <- par("mfrow")

## ========================================================================
## plot all surface data
## ========================================================================

 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
 image2D(z = Oxsat$val[ , , 1], x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$lat,
       main = "surface oxygen saturation (%) for 2005")

## ========================================================================
## plot a selection of latitude-depth profiles; input is an array
## ========================================================================

 lon <- Oxsat$lon
 image2D (z = Oxsat$val, margin = c(2, 3), x = Oxsat$lat, 
        y = Oxsat$depth, subset = (lon > 18 & lon < 23),
        ylim = c(5500, 0), NAcol = "black", zlim = c(0, 110),
        xlab = "latitude", ylab = "depth, m")

 abline ( v = lon[lon > 18 & lon < 23])

## ========================================================================
## plot with slices
## ========================================================================

 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
 ii <- which (Oxsat$lon > -90 & Oxsat$lon < 90)
 jj <- which (Oxsat$lat > 0 & Oxsat$lat < 90)

 xs <- Oxsat$lon[ii[length(ii)]]  # E boundary
 ys <- Oxsat$lat[jj[1]]           # S boundary

 slice3D(colvar = Oxsat$val[ii,jj,], x = Oxsat$lon[ii],  
        y = Oxsat$lat[jj], z = -Oxsat$depth,
        NAcol = "black", xs = xs, ys = ys, zs = 0, 
        theta = 35, phi = 50, colkey = list(length = 0.5),
        expand = 0.5, ticktype = "detailed",
        clab = "%", main = "Oxygen saturation", 
        xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", zlab = "depth")

# restore plotting parameters
 par(mfrow = pm)

[Package plot3D version 1.4.1 Index]