ExtraOutcomes79 {NlsyLinks}R Documentation

Extra outcome variables in the NLSY79


This dataset is provided primarily to facilitate documentation examples.


A data frame with 11,495 observations on the following 6 variables. There is one row per subject.


The SubjectTag variable uniquely identify subjects. For Gen2 subjects, the SubjectTag is identical to their CID (ie, C00001.00 -the SubjectID assigned in the NLSY79-Children files). However for Gen1 subjects, the SubjectTag is their CaseID (ie, R00001.00), with "00" appended. This manipulation is necessary to identify subjects uniquely in inter-generational datasets. A Gen1 subject with an ID of 43 has a SubjectTag of 4300. The SubjectTags of her four children remain 4301, 4302, 4303, and 4304.

For Gen2, an NLSY79 variable of MathStandardized is C05801.00.

Afi and Afm, values were simplified (to one value per subject) by Kelly Williams in Sept 2010.

The variables for height and weight were manipulated in R files available in a repository available to the public. Find the appropriate subfolder, and view the HTML report for more details.

Download CSV If you're using the NlsyLinks package in R, the dataset is automatically available. However to use the kinship information in a different environment, download the csv, which is readable by all statistical software. links-metadata-2017-79.yml documents the dataset version information.


Will Beasley


Gen1 information comes from the Summer 2013 release of the NLSY79 sample. Gen2 information comes from the Summer 2013 release of the NLSY79 Children and Young Adults sample. Data were extracted with the NLS Investigator (https://www.nlsinfo.org/investigator/).


library(NlsyLinks) # Load the package into the current R session.
gen2Outcomes <- subset(ExtraOutcomes79, Generation == 2) # Create a dataset of only Gen2 subjects.

# plot(ExtraOutcomes79) #Uncomment to see a large scatterplot matrix.

oldPar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2))

[Package NlsyLinks version 2.2.1 Index]