NlsyLinks-package |
Utilities and kinship information for Behavior Genetics and Developmental research using the NLSY. |
Ace |
Estimates the heritability of additive traits using a single variable. |
AceEstimate-class |
Class AceEstimate |
AceEstimate-method |
GetDetails-methods |
AceLavaanGroup |
A simple multiple-group ACE model with the 'lavaan' package. |
AceUnivariate |
Estimates the heritability of additive traits using a single variable. |
CleanSemAceDataset |
Produces a cleaned dataset that works well with when using SEM to estimate a univariate ACE model. |
ColumnUtilities |
A collection of functions that helps data management data.frames, particularly those derived from NLSY Extracts. |
CreateAceEstimate |
Instantiate an AceEstimate object. |
CreatePairLinks |
Creates a pairs linking file. |
CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered |
Creates a pairs linking file. |
CreatePairLinksDoubleEnteredWithNoOutcomes |
Creates a pairs linking file. |
CreatePairLinksSingleEntered |
Creates a pairs linking file. |
CreateSpatialNeighbours |
Distances between related family members, formatted for spatial analysis. |
CreateSubjectTag |
Creates a SubjectTag. This value uniquely identifies subjects, when both generations are included in the same dataset. |
DeFriesFulkerMethod1 |
Estimates the heritability of additive traits using a single variable. |
DeFriesFulkerMethod3 |
Estimates the heritability of additive traits using a single variable. |
ExtraOutcomes79 |
Extra outcome variables in the NLSY79 |
GetDetails |
GetDetails-methods |
GetDetails-method |
Class AceEstimate |
GetDetails-methods |
GetDetails-methods |
Links79Pair |
Kinship linking file for pairs of relatives in the NLSY79 and NLSY79 Children and Young Adults |
Links79PairExpanded |
Kinship linking file for pairs of relatives. It builds upon the Links79Pair dataset. |
Links97Pair |
Kinship linking file for pairs of relatives in the NLSY97 |
Links97PairExpanded |
Kinship linking file for pairs of relatives In the NLSY97. It builds upon the Links97Pair dataset. |
NlsyLinks |
Utilities and kinship information for Behavior Genetics and Developmental research using the NLSY. |
ReadCsvNlsy79 |
Read a CSV file downloaded from the NLS Investigator |
ReadCsvNlsy79Gen1 |
Read a CSV file downloaded from the NLS Investigator |
ReadCsvNlsy79Gen2 |
Read a CSV file downloaded from the NLS Investigator |
RenameColumn |
A collection of functions that helps data management data.frames, particularly those derived from NLSY Extracts. |
RenameNlsyColumn |
A collection of functions that helps data management data.frames, particularly those derived from NLSY Extracts. |
RGroupSummary |
Calculates summary statistics for each _R_elatedness Group in the sample. |
SubjectDetails79 |
Dataset containing further details of the Gen1 and Gen2 subjects. |
Survey79 |
Dataset containing survey details for each subject, for each year |
ValidateOutcomeDataset |
Validates the schema of datasets containing outcome variables. |
ValidatePairLinks |
Validates the schema of a links for pairs of relatives |
ValidatePairLinksAreSymmetric |
Verifies that the pair relationships are symmetric. |
VerifyColumnExists |
A collection of functions that helps data management data.frames, particularly those derived from NLSY Extracts. |