BreakDiagnostic |
Detect a break number using different metrics |
BreakPointLoss |
Compute the Average Loss of Hidden State Changes from Expected Break Points |
drawPostAnalysis |
Plot of latent node cluster |
drawRegimeRaw |
Plot of network by hidden regime |
kmeansU |
K-mean clustering of latent node positions |
MajorAlly |
Major Power Alliance Network (1816 - 2012) |
MakeBlockNetworkChange |
Build a synthetic block-structured temporal data with breaks |
MarginalCompare |
Compare Log Marginal Likelihood |
multiplot |
Printing multiple ggplots in oone file |
NetworkChange |
Changepoint analysis of a degree-corrected multilinear tensor model |
NetworkChangeRobust |
Changepoint analysis of a degree-corrected multilinear tensor model with t-distributed error |
NetworkStatic |
Degree-corrected multilinear tensor model |
plotContour |
Contour plot of latent node positions |
plotnetarray |
Plot of network array data |
plotU |
Plot of latent node positions |
plotV |
Plot of layer-specific network generation rules. |
PostwarAlly |
Postwar Alliance Network (1846 - 2012) |
startS |
Sample a starting value of hidden states |
startUV |
Starting values of U and V |
ULUstateSample |
Hidden State Sampler |
ULUstateSample.mpfr |
Hidden State Sampler with precision |
updateb |
Update time-constant regression parameters |
updatebm |
Update regime-changing regression parameters |
updateP |
Update transition matrix |
updateS |
Update latent states |
updates2m |
Update regime-specific variance |
updateU |
Update time-constant latent node positions |
updateUm |
Regime-specific latent node positions |
updateV |
Update layer specific network generation rules |
updateVm |
Update V from a change-point network process |
WaicCompare |
Compare WAIC |