Bayesian Package for Network Changepoint Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘NetworkChange’ version 0.8

Help Pages

BreakDiagnostic Detect a break number using different metrics
BreakPointLoss Compute the Average Loss of Hidden State Changes from Expected Break Points
drawPostAnalysis Plot of latent node cluster
drawRegimeRaw Plot of network by hidden regime
kmeansU K-mean clustering of latent node positions
MajorAlly Major Power Alliance Network (1816 - 2012)
MakeBlockNetworkChange Build a synthetic block-structured temporal data with breaks
MarginalCompare Compare Log Marginal Likelihood
multiplot Printing multiple ggplots in oone file
NetworkChange Changepoint analysis of a degree-corrected multilinear tensor model
NetworkChangeRobust Changepoint analysis of a degree-corrected multilinear tensor model with t-distributed error
NetworkStatic Degree-corrected multilinear tensor model
plotContour Contour plot of latent node positions
plotnetarray Plot of network array data
plotU Plot of latent node positions
plotV Plot of layer-specific network generation rules.
PostwarAlly Postwar Alliance Network (1846 - 2012)
startS Sample a starting value of hidden states
startUV Starting values of U and V
ULUstateSample Hidden State Sampler
ULUstateSample.mpfr Hidden State Sampler with precision
updateb Update time-constant regression parameters
updatebm Update regime-changing regression parameters
updateP Update transition matrix
updateS Update latent states
updates2m Update regime-specific variance
updateU Update time-constant latent node positions
updateUm Regime-specific latent node positions
updateV Update layer specific network generation rules
updateVm Update V from a change-point network process
WaicCompare Compare WAIC