Nonparametric Hazard Rate Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘NPHazardRate’ version 0.1

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a0 Kernel functions
a1 Kernel functions
a2 Kernel functions
b0 Kernel functions
b1 Kernel functions
b2 Kernel functions
base Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
Biweight Kernel functions
BoundaryBiweight Kernel functions
BoundaryEpanechnikov Kernel functions
CdfSwitch User driven input for random number generation and pdf, survival and hazard rate function calculation
CparamCalculation Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
cvfunction Cross Validation for Histogram Hazard Rate Estimator
DefVarBandRule Default adaptive bandwidth rule
DiscretizeData Discretize the available data set
Epanechnikov Kernel functions
Gaussian Kernel functions
gx Weibull hazard rate functionals
Habbema Kernel functions
HazardHistogram Histogram Hazard Rate Estimator
HazardRate User driven input for random number generation and pdf, survival and hazard rate function calculation
HazardRateEst Kernel Hazard Rate Estimation
HigherOrder Kernel functions
HRSurv Estimate of the constant in the optimal AMISE expression
iHazardRateEst Kernel Integrated Hazard Rate Estimation
IntBiweight Kernel functions
IntEpanechnikov Kernel functions
IntGaussian Kernel functions
IntRectangular Kernel functions
IntTriangular Kernel functions
KMest Kaplan-Meier Estimate
l1 Weibull hazard rate functionals
l2 Weibull hazard rate functionals
l3 Weibull hazard rate functionals
l4 Weibull hazard rate functionals
lambdahat Discrete non parametric mle hazard rate estimator
LLHRPlugInBand Simple Plug in badnwidth selector
LocLinEst Local Linear Hazard Rate Estimator
lw Weibull hazard rate functionals
lwF Weibull hazard rate functionals
NP.M.Estimate Estimate of bandwidth constant
nsf Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
PdfSwitch User driven input for random number generation and pdf, survival and hazard rate function calculation
PlugInBand Simple Plug in badnwidth selector
power.matrix Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
RdistSwitch User driven input for random number generation and pdf, survival and hazard rate function calculation
Rectangular Kernel functions
SDBiweight Kernel functions
SDHazardRateEst Kernel Second Derivative Hazard Rate Estimation
SemiparamEst Discrete hazard rate estimator
SimpsonInt Simpson numerical integration
SmoothedEstimate Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
sn.0 Local kernel weights
sn.1 Local kernel weights
sn.2 Local kernel weights
sn.3 Local kernel weights
sn.4 Local kernel weights
sn.5 Local kernel weights
sn.6 Local kernel weights
Tm Auxiliary functions for discrete hazard rate estimators
tn.0 Local kernel weights
tn.1 Local kernel weights
tn.2 Local kernel weights
tn.3 Local kernel weights
TransHazRateEst Transformation Based Hazard Rate Estimator
Triangular Kernel functions
TutzPritscher Discrete non parametric kernel hazard rate estimator
VarBandHazEst Variable Bandwidth Hazard Rate Estimator