NPCirc-package |
Nonparametric circular methods. |
ancova.circ.circ |
Nonparametric analysis of covariance tests for circular regression |
ancova.circ.lin |
Nonparametric analysis of covariance tests for circular regression |
ancova.lin.circ |
Nonparametric analysis of covariance tests for circular regression |
bw.AA |
Direct and solve-the-equation plug-in rule |
bw.boot |
Bootstrap method |
bw.circ.local.lik |
Smoothing parameter selection for circular local likelihood regression |
bw.CV |
Cross-validation for density estimation |
bw.joint.dpcirc |
Smoothing parameter selection for circular double Poisson regression |
bw.modalreg.circ.circ |
Smoothing parameter selection for circular multimdodal regression |
bw.modalreg.circ.lin |
Smoothing parameter selection for circular multimdodal regression |
bw.modalreg.lin.circ |
Smoothing parameter selection for circular multimdodal regression |
bw.pi |
Plug-in rule |
bw.reg.circ.circ |
Cross-validation rule for circular regression estimation |
bw.reg.circ.lin |
Cross-validation rule for circular regression estimation |
bw.reg.lin.circ |
Cross-validation rule for circular regression estimation |
bw.rt |
Rule of thumb |
circ.local.lik |
Local likelihood estimation for regression with circular covariate |
circsizer.density |
CircSiZer map for density | |
CircSiZer map |
circsizer.regression |
CircSiZer map for regression |
cross.beds1 |
Cross-beds azimuths (I) |
cross.beds2 |
Cross-beds (II) |
cycle.changes |
Cycle changes |
dcircmix |
Mixtures of circular distributions |
dpreg.circ |
Joint parametric estimation of mean and dispersion functions in circular double Poisson models |
dragonfly |
Orientations of dragonflies |
dwsn |
Wrapped skew-Normal density function |
flywheels |
Flywheel measurements |
HumanMotorResonance |
Human motor resonance data |
kern.den.circ |
Kernel density derivative estimate for circular data |
kern.dpreg.circ |
Joint kernel estimation of mean and dispersion functions in circular double Poisson models |
kern.reg.circ.circ |
Nonparametric regression estimation for circular data |
kern.reg.circ.lin |
Nonparametric regression estimation for circular data |
kern.reg.lin.circ |
Nonparametric regression estimation for circular data |
lines.regression.circular |
Add a plot for circular regression |
modalreg.circ.circ |
Circular multimodal regression estimation |
modalreg.circ.lin |
Circular multimodal regression estimation |
modalreg.lin.circ |
Circular multimodal regression estimation |
noeffect.circ.circ |
No-effect test for regression with circular data |
noeffect.circ.lin |
No-effect test for regression with circular data |
noeffect.lin.circ |
No-effect test for regression with circular data |
NPCirc |
Nonparametric circular methods. |
periwinkles |
Orientations of dragonflies |
plot.regression.circular |
Plot circular regression |
pm10 |
Pm10 particles in Pontevedra, Spain |
print.circsizer |
CircSiZer map for density |
print.regression.circular |
Nonparametric regression estimation for circular data |
rcircmix |
Mixtures of circular distributions |
rwsn |
Wrapped skew-Normal density function |
sandhoppers |
Behavioral plasticity of Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia brito |
speed.wind |
Wind speed and wind direction data |
speed.wind2 |
Wind speed and wind direction data |
spikes |
Neuronal spikes in a macaque monkey |
temp.wind |
Temperature and wind direction data |
wind |
Wind direction data |
zebrafish |
Zebrafish |