ss16pusa_sample_zeros {NPBayesImputeCat}R Documentation

Example dataframe for input categorical data with structural zeros (without missing values).


Example dataframe for input categorical data with structural zeros (without missing values). It contains 1000 observations and 5 variables.

[,1] AGEP age 7 levels: 16; 17; [18, 24]; [25, 35]; [36, 50]; [51, 70]; (70, ).
[,2] MAR marital status 5 levels: Married; Widowed; Divorced; Separated;
Never married.
[,3] SCHL educational attainment 9 levels: Up to K0; Some K12, no diploma;
High school diploma or GED; Some college, no degree;
Associate's degree; Bachelor's degree; Master's degree;
Professional degree; Doctorate degree.
[,4] SEX sex 2 levels: Male; Female.
[,5] WKL When last worked 3 levels: Within the last 12 months; 1-5 years ago;
Over 5 years ago or never worked.

[Package NPBayesImputeCat version 0.5 Index]