X {NPBayesImputeCat}R Documentation

Example dataframe for input categorical data with missing values based on the NYMockexample dataset.


Example dataframe for input categorical data with missing values based on the NYMockexample dataset. It contains 2000 observations and 10 variables.

[,1] OWNERSHIP ownership of dwelling 3 levels: N/A; Owned or being bought (loan);
[,2] MORTGAGE mortgate status 4 levels: N/A; No, owned free and clear;
Yes, mortgaged / deed of trust or similar debt;
Yes, contract to purchase.
[,3] AGE age 9 levels: [0, 14]; 15; 16; 17; [18, 24]; [25, 35]; [36, 50];
9 [51, 70]; [71, ).
[,4] SEX sex 2 levels: Male; Female.
[,5] MARST martial status 6 levels: Married, spouse present; Married, spouse absent;
Separated; Divorced; Widowed; Never married / single.
[,6] RACESING single race identification 5 levels: White; Black; American Indian / Alaska Native;
Asian and / or Pacific Islander; Other race, non-Hispanic.
[,7] EDUC educational attainment 11 levels: N/A or no schooling; Nursery school to grade 4;
Grade 5, 6, 7, or 8; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11;
Grade 12; 1 year of college; 2 years of college;
4 years of college; 5+ years of college.
[,8] EMPSTAT employment status 4 levels: N/A; Employed; Unemployed; Not in labor force.
[,9] DISABWRK work disability status 3 levels: N/A; No disability that affects work;
Disability causes difficulty working.
[,10] VESTAT veteran status 3 levels: N/A; Not a veteran; Veteran.

[Package NPBayesImputeCat version 0.5 Index]