Schoenberg2013 {NMAoutlier}R Documentation

Network meta-analysis comparing the effects after Laparoscopic Heller myotomy.


Network meta-analysis dataset comparing the effects after Laparoscopic Heller myotomy.


A data frame in contrast format with the following columns:

logOR log odds ratio
selogOR standard error of log odds ratio
id study ID
t1 first treatment
t2 second treatment


The dataset compares the effects after Laparoscopic Heller myotomy. The outcome is the number of individuals with successful rates at 12 months. These data are in contrast format with effect size odds ratio (OR) and its standard error. Arm-level data can be found in Schoenberg et al. (2013).


Schoenberg MB, Marx S, Kersten JF, Rösch T, Belle S, Kähler G, Vassiliou MC, Lüth S, von Renteln D (2013): Laparoscopic Heller myotomy versus endoscopic balloon dilatation for the treatment of achalasia: a network meta-analysis. Annals of Surgery, 258, 943–52


# Conduct forward search algorithm for the network of Laparoscopic
# Heller myotomy
FSresult <- NMAoutlier(logOR, selogOR, t1, t2, id, data = Schoenberg2013, n_cores = 2)

# Draw forward plot for z-values from difference of direct and
# indirect evidence
fwdplot(FSresult, "nsplit")

[Package NMAoutlier version 0.1.18 Index]