Detecting Outliers in Network Meta-Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘NMAoutlier’ version 0.1.18

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NMAoutlier-package NMAoutlier: Brief overview of measures and methodologies for detection of outlying and influential studies in network meta-analysis.
fwdplot Forward plot(s) to monitor selected statistic(s)/method(s)
fwdplotest Forward plots of summary treatment estimates
Gupta2013 Network meta-analysis comparing interventions for actinic keratosis
measplot Plot(s) to monitor selected outlier and influential measure(s).
NMAoutlier Forward Search algorithm in network meta-analysis
NMAoutlier.measures Outlier and influential detection measures in network meta-analysis.
Qnetplot Q-Q plot for network meta-analysis (Q-Q netplot).
Schoenberg2013 Network meta-analysis comparing the effects after Laparoscopic Heller myotomy.