Network Meta-Analysis Based on Multivariate Meta-Analysis Models

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Documentation for package ‘NMA’ version 1.4-2

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NMA-package The 'NMA' package.
antidiabetic Phung et al. (2010)'s network meta-analysis data
diabetes Elliott and Mayer (2007)'s network meta-analysis data
global.ict Higgins' global inconsistency test
heartfailure Sciarretta et al. (2011)'s network meta-analysis data
local.ict Local inconsistency tests for all closed loops on the network
netplot Generating a networkplot
nma Network meta-analysis based on contrast-based approach using the multivariate meta-analysis model
nmaforest Generating a ranked forest plot for the synthesis results of network meta-analysis
nmafunnel Comparison-adjusted funnel plot
nmaleague Generating a league table
nmaQ Multivariate Q-statistic and its factorization
nmarank Calculating ranking statistics of network meta-analysis
nmareg Network meta-regression based on contrast-based approach
nmaweight Evaluating study weights and contribution matrix
obj.forest Numerical objects of ranked forest plot for the synthesis results of network meta-analysis
pairwise Pairwise meta-analyses for all treatment pairs with direct comparisons on the network
random.icm Jackson's random inconsistency model
rdc Rounding a numerical value
setup Transforming arm-level data to contrast-based summary statistics and making objects for network meta-analysis
sidesplit Sidesplitting for quantifying direct and indirect evidence for all possible treatment pairs and the inconsistency test
smoking Smoking cessation data
transitivity Checking transitivity