chmLayer {NGCHM}R Documentation

Get a specified Data Layer from an NG-CHM.


This function returns a Data Layer contained in a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map.


chmLayer(hm, label)



The NG-CHM object to get the data layer from.


The name or index of the data layer to get. If a name, return the layer with that name. If no layer with that name exists or if the index is out of range, return NULL.


An object of class ngchmLayer or NULL.

See Also



# Examples using `chmNew()` require git to be installed and available.
## Not run: 
 # If the NGCHMDemoData package is installed, use it to create an example usage
 if (requireNamespace("NGCHMDemoData", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # Create example NGCHM
    data(TCGA.GBM.Demo, package = "NGCHMDemoData")
    matrix <- TCGA.GBM.ExpressionData[1:50, 1:50]
    hm <- chmNew("New Heat Map") + chmNewDataLayer("my layer", matrix)
    layer <- chmLayer(hm, "my layer")
    same_layer <- chmLayer(hm, 1)
  # Small example not requiring NGCHMDemoData
  matrix <- matrix(rnorm(100),
    nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
    dimnames = list(paste0("r", 1:10), paste0("c", 1:10))
  hm <- chmNew("New Heat Map") + chmNewDataLayer("my layer", matrix)
  layer <- chmLayer(hm, "my layer")
  same_layer <- chmLayer(hm, 1)

## End(Not run)

[Package NGCHM version 1.0.3 Index]