chmLayer<- {NGCHM}R Documentation

Set (or append) a specified Data Layer in an NG-CHM.


This function sets a Data Layer in a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map.



The NG-CHM object to set the data layer of


The name or index of the data layer to set. If a name, replace the layer with that name. Append a new layer if no layer with that name exists. If an index, replace the specified layer. If zero (0), prepend the new layer. If minus one (-1) or N+1 (for an NG-CHM with N layers), appends a new layer.


A colormap for the new layer. If missing, defaults to the color map of the layer being replaced, or to the default new layer color map for a new layer.


The summarization method for the new layer. If missing, defaults to the summarization method of the layer being replaced, or to the default new layer summarization method for a new layer.


The cuts color for the new layer. If missing, defaults to the cuts color of the layer being replaced, or to the default cuts color for a new layer.


Either a matrix or a data layer to set in the NG-CHM. If value is a matrix, the other data layer parameters (label, colors, summarizationMethod, and cuts_color) are set from the parameters if specified, from the old data layer (if any), or the defaults for a new data layer (see chmNewDataLayer). If value is a data layer, any other data layer parameters specified will override those in the replacement layer.


An object of class ngchm.

See Also




# If the NGCHMDemoData package is installed, use demo usage
if (requireNamespace("NGCHMDemoData", quietly = TRUE)) {
  data(TCGA.GBM.Demo, package = "NGCHMDemoData")
  matrix <- TCGA.GBM.ExpressionData[1:50, 1:50]
  hm <- chmNew("New Heat Map")
  chmLayer(hm, "Layer 1") <- matrix
  chmLayer(hm, 1, cuts_color = "#fefefe") <- chmNewDataLayer("New data layer", matrix + 1)
# Small example not requiring NGCHMDemoData
matrix <- matrix(rnorm(100),
  nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
  dimnames = list(paste0("r", 1:10), paste0("c", 1:10))
hm <- chmNew("New Heat Map")
chmLayer(hm, "Layer 1") <- matrix
chmLayer(hm, 1, cuts_color = "#fefefe") <- chmNewDataLayer("New data layer", matrix + 1)

[Package NGCHM version 1.0.3 Index]