Data Analysis for Censored Environmental Data

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Documentation for package ‘NADA2’ version 1.1.6

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anosimPlot Permutation Analysis of Similarity (anosim) for Censored Data
atrazine Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water
ATS Akritas-Theil-Sen line for censored data
ATSmini Kendall's tau and ATS line for censored data
bestaic Find the lowest AIC multiple regression model
binaryClust Cluster Matrix of Binary Censored Data
binaryDiss Binary dissimilarity coefficient matrix
binaryMDS Plot Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling of binary censored data
binarySim Binary similarity coefficient matrix
Brumbaugh Brumbaugh
cboxplot Draws censored boxplots
cen1way Peto-Peto one-factor test
cen2means Censored data two-group test for difference in means
cen2way Parametric Two Factor Fixed Effects ANOVA for censored data
cenanova ANOVA for censored data
cenCompareCdfs Comparison of empirical cdf of censored data
cenCompareQQ Censored Q-Q Plot comparison
cencorreg Correlation and Regression with censored data
cenperm2 Censored two-group permutation test
cenpermanova Censored data one-factor permutation test
cenPredInt Prediction interval for censored data
cenQQ Q-Q Plot censored data
cenregQQ Q-Q plot of censored regression residuals
censeaken Seasonal Kendall permutation test on censored data
cenTolInt Upper Tolerance interval for censored data
centrend Trend analysis of censored data with a covariate
centrendsea Trend analysis of censored data with a covariate and seasonal blocks
cen_ecdf Censored Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
cen_paired Censored data paired t-test
cen_signedranktest Wilcoxcon Signed-Rank test for censored data
cen_signtest Sign test for censored data
cfit Compute an ECDF and Distribution Parameters for Censored Data
computeS Kendall's S-statistic for permutations of censored data
equivalent_n Censored data sample size
Example1 Example1
Example2 Example2
Example3 Example3
Gales_Creek Gales_Creek
kenplot Plot robust median ATS line for censored data
Markers Markers
markers Markers
ordranks Computes ranks of data with one or multiple detection limits
partplots Partial plots for censored MLE regression
PbHeron PbHeron
Pollen_Thia Thiamethoxam concentrations in pollen
ppw.test Test for difference in left-censored samples
ReconLogistic ReconLogistic
ROSci Computes confidence intervals on regression on order statistics (ROS) mean
uMDS Plot U-score Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling of censored data
Usc U-scores for (non-interval, sinle-column) Censored Data
Usci Interval-censored U-Score
uscore U-score (individual value)
uscores Uscores for multiple columns of censored data
uscoresi U-scores for interval-censored data (multiple columns)