obj.to.match {MultiObjMatch}R Documentation

An internal helper function that transforms the output from the RELAX algorithm to a data structure that is more interpretable for the output of the main matching function


An internal helper function that transforms the output from the RELAX algorithm to a data structure that is more interpretable for the output of the main matching function


obj.to.match(out.elem, already.done = NULL, prev.obj = NULL)



a named list whose elements are: (1) the net structure (2) the edge weights of pair-wise distance (3) the edge weights of marginal balance (4) the list of rho value pairs (5) the named list of solutions from the RELAX algorithm


a factor indicating the index of matches already been transformed


an object of previously transformed matches


a named list with elements containing matching information useful for the main matching function

[Package MultiObjMatch version 1.0.0 Index]