logquad {MortCast}R Documentation

Log-Quadratic Mortality Model


Predict age-specific mortality rates using the Log-Quadratic Mortality Model (Wilmoth et al. 2012).


  sex = c("male", "female", "total"),
  my.coefs = NULL,
  q5ranges = c(1e-04, 0.9),
  k = 0,
  keep.lt = FALSE,

logquadj(e0m, e0f, ...)



Vector of target life expectancies.


Which sex does the give e0 corresponds to.


Data frame with columns “sex”, “age”, “ax”, “bx”, “cx”, “vx”. The “sex” column should contain values “female”, “male” and/or “total”. The “age” column must be sorted so that it assures that rows correspond to ages in increasing order. Any NAs are internally converted to zeros. If not given, the dataset LQcoef is used.


A vector of size two, giving the min and max of 5q0 used in the bisection method.


Value of the kk parameter.


Logical. If TRUE additional life table columns are kept in the resulting object.


Additional arguments passed to the underlying function.


A time series of target male life expectancy.


A time series of target female life expectancy.


The LogQuad method in this implementation projects mortality rates using the equation

log(mx)=ax+bxh+cxh2+vxk\log(m_x) = a_x + b_x h + c_x h^2 + v_x k

where axa_x, bxb_x, cxc_x and vxv_x are age-specific coefficients, h=log(5q0)h = \log( 5q0 ) (i.e. reflects child mortality), and kk should be chosen to match 45q15 (adult mortality) or set to 0 (default). The coefficients can be passed as inputs, or taken from the package default dataset LQcoef which are taken from https://u.demog.berkeley.edu/~jrw/LogQuad/.

For the given inputs and values of life expectancy e0, the function finds values of hh that best match e0, using life tables and the bisection method. It returns the corresponding mortality schedule for each value of e0.

Function logquad is for one sex, while logquadj can be used for both sexes.


Function logquad returns a list with the following elements: a matrix mx with the predicted mortality rates. If keep.lt is TRUE, it also contains matrices sr (survival rates), and life table quantities Lx and lx. Function logquadj returns a list of objects, one for each sex.


Wilmoth, J., Zureick, S., Canudas-Romo, V., Inoue, M., Sawyer, C. (2012). A Flexible Two-Dimensional Mortality Model for Use in Indirect Estimation. Population studies, 66(1), 1-28. doi: 10.1080/00324728.2011.611411

See Also

LQcoef, mortcast.blend, mortcast, pmd, mlt


data(e0Mproj, package = "wpp2017")
country <- "Brazil"
# get target e0
e0m <- as.numeric(subset(e0Mproj, name == country)[-(1:2)])
# project into future
pred <- logquad(e0m, sex = "male")
# plot first projection in black and the remaining ones in heat colors 
plot(pred$mx[,1], type = "l", log = "y", ylim = range(pred$mx),
    ylab = "male mx", xlab = "Age", main = country)
for(i in 2:ncol(pred$mx)) lines(pred$mx[,i], 
    col = heat.colors(20)[i])

[Package MortCast version 2.7-0 Index]