MortCast-package |
MortCast: Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates |
cokannisto |
Coherent Kannisto Method |
cokannisto.estimate |
Coherent Kannisto Estimation |
copmd |
Pattern of Mortality Decline Prediction |
kannisto |
Kannisto Method |
kannisto.estimate |
Kannisto Estimation |
kannisto.predict |
Kannisto Prediction |
leecarter.estimate |
Lee-Carter Estimation |
life.table |
Life Table Function |
lileecarter.estimate |
Coherent Lee-Carter Estimation |
logquad |
Log-Quadratic Mortality Model |
logquadj |
Log-Quadratic Mortality Model |
LQcoef |
Coefficients for the Log-Quadratic Mortality Model |
mlt |
Model Life Tables Mortality Patterns |
MLT1Ylookup |
Model Life Tables Lookup |
mltj |
Model Life Tables Mortality Patterns |
MLTlookup |
Model Life Tables Lookup |
modpmd |
Pattern of Mortality Decline Prediction |
MortCast |
MortCast: Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates |
mortcast |
Coherent Rotated Lee-Carter Prediction |
mortcast.blend |
Mortality Prediction by Method Blending |
pmd |
Pattern of Mortality Decline Prediction |
PMDadjcoef |
Coefficients for Sex Ratio Adjustments in the PMD Method |
PMDrho |
Pattern Mortality Decline Lookup Tables |
RhoFemales |
Pattern Mortality Decline Lookup Tables |
RhoMales |
Pattern Mortality Decline Lookup Tables |
rotate.leecarter |
Rotated Lee-Carter |
ultimate.bx |
Rotated Lee-Carter |