Modeling Language Evolution

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Documentation for package ‘MoLE’ version 1.0.1

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MoLE-package Modeling Language Evolution
ACTOR Determine actor role
AGENTFIRST Actor argument first
ALLNAS NA vector identification
ANALYZE Determine sentence constituents
CANDIDATESCORE Score candidate expressions
CHECKSUCCESS Determine expected communicative success
DECOMPOSE Decompose words into morphemes
DIE Kill agents
EROSION Word erosion
FIRSTINFIRSTOUT Order constituents by activation
FIRSTSPEAKER Create founding agent
FMATCH Compare forms
FORMS Generate forms
FOUND Found population
FREQUPDATE Update usage numbers
FUSE Fuse words
GENERALIZE Apply linguistic generalizations
GROUP Group words into constituents
INTERPRET Interpret utterance
INTERPRET.INT Develop an interpretation
MAX Find maximum value
MIN Find maximum value
MoLE Modeling Language Evolution
NOUNMORPHOLOGY Interpret nominal morphology
NOUNS Generate nominal lexicon
PERSONUPDATE Adjust person value
PREPARE Prepare a proposition for production
PROCREATE Generate new generation of agents
PRODUCE Produce utterance
PROPOSITION Develop initial proposition
PROTOINTERPRETATION Develop interpretation
REDUCE Reduce length of expressions
REFCHECK Check referential capacity
RESCALE Rescale vector values
RUN Run simulation
SELECTACTOR Find actor expression
SELECTUNDERGOER Find actor expression
SELECTVERB Find actor expression
SEMUPDATE Update lexicon
SITUATION Create situational context
SUCCESS Determine communicative success
SUMMARY Summarize simulation results
TALK Let agents talk
TOPICCOPY Make anaphoric copy of topic
TOPICFIRST Put topic in first position
TURN Organize communicative turn
TYPEMATCH Determine role qualification
VERBFINAL Put verb final
VERBMORPHOLOGY Interpret verbal morphology
VERBS Generate verbal lexicon
VMATCH Compare vectors
WORDORDER Use word order for interpretation
world Model parameters