MoLE-package | Modeling Language Evolution |
ACTOR | Determine actor role |
AGENTFIRST | Actor argument first |
ALLNAS | NA vector identification |
ANALYZE | Determine sentence constituents |
CANDIDATESCORE | Score candidate expressions |
CHECKSUCCESS | Determine expected communicative success |
DECOMPOSE | Decompose words into morphemes |
DIE | Kill agents |
EROSION | Word erosion |
FIRSTINFIRSTOUT | Order constituents by activation |
FIRSTSPEAKER | Create founding agent |
FMATCH | Compare forms |
FORMS | Generate forms |
FOUND | Found population |
FREQUPDATE | Update usage numbers |
FUSE | Fuse words |
GENERALIZE | Apply linguistic generalizations |
GROUP | Group words into constituents |
INTERPRET | Interpret utterance |
INTERPRET.INT | Develop an interpretation |
MAX | Find maximum value |
MIN | Find maximum value |
MoLE | Modeling Language Evolution |
NOUNDESEMANTICIZATION | Bleach word meaning |
NOUNMORPHOLOGY | Interpret nominal morphology |
NOUNS | Generate nominal lexicon |
PERSONUPDATE | Adjust person value |
PREPARE | Prepare a proposition for production |
PROCREATE | Generate new generation of agents |
PRODUCE | Produce utterance |
PROPOSITION | Develop initial proposition |
PROTOINTERPRETATION | Develop interpretation |
REDUCE | Reduce length of expressions |
REFCHECK | Check referential capacity |
RESCALE | Rescale vector values |
RUN | Run simulation |
SELECTACTOR | Find actor expression |
SELECTUNDERGOER | Find actor expression |
SELECTVERB | Find actor expression |
SEMUPDATE | Update lexicon |
SITUATION | Create situational context |
SUCCESS | Determine communicative success |
SUMMARY | Summarize simulation results |
TALK | Let agents talk |
TOPICCOPY | Make anaphoric copy of topic |
TOPICFIRST | Put topic in first position |
TURN | Organize communicative turn |
TYPEMATCH | Determine role qualification |
VERBDESEMANTICIZATION | Bleach word meaning |
VERBFINAL | Put verb final |
VERBMORPHOLOGY | Interpret verbal morphology |
VERBS | Generate verbal lexicon |
VMATCH | Compare vectors |
WORDORDER | Use word order for interpretation |
world | Model parameters |