Biomarker Validation for Microbiome-Based Survival Classification and Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘MicrobiomeSurv’ version 0.1.0

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CoxPHUni This function will fit the full and reduced models and calculate LRT raw p-value and adjusted p-value based on BH Method
CVLasoelascox Cross Validations for Lasso Elastic Net Survival predictive models and Classification
cvle The cvle Class.
cvle-class The cvle Class.
cvle-method The cvle Class.
CVMajorityvotes Cross validation for majority votes
cvmm The cvmm Class.
cvmm-class The cvmm Class.
cvmm-method The cvmm Class.
CVMSpecificCoxPh Cross validation for the Taxon specific analysis
cvmv The cvmv Class.
cvmv-class The cvmv Class.
cvmv-method The cvmv Class.
CVPcaPls Cross Validations for PCA and PLS based methods
cvpp The cvpp Class.
cvpp-class The cvpp Class.
cvpp-method The cvpp Class.
cvsit The cvsit Class.
cvsit-class The cvsit Class.
cvsit-method The cvsit Class.
CVSITaxa Cross validation for sequentially increases taxa
data_zero_per_group_otu_w3 Zero per treatment groups.
DistHR Null Distribution of the Estimated HR
EstimateHR Classification, Survival Estimation and Visualization
fam_info_w3 Information at family level.
fam_shan_trim_w3 Dataset at family level.
FirstFilter This function is used for the first step of filtering which removes OTUs having all zeros (inactive OTUs). The input is an OTU matrix with rows are OTUs and columns are subjects.
GetRA This function convert OTU matrix to RA matrix.
Lasoelascox Wapper function for glmnet
Majorityvotes Classifiction for Majority Votes
metadata_taxonomy Metadata taxonomy.
MiFreq Frequency of Selected Taxa from the LASSO, Elastic-net Cross-Validation
ms The ms Class.
ms,ANY The ms Class.
ms-class The ms Class.
ms-method The ms Class.
MSpecificCoxPh Taxon by taxon Cox proportional analysis
perm The perm Class.
perm-class The perm Class.
perm-method The perm Class.
plot-method The cvle Class.
plot-method The cvmm Class.
plot-method The cvmv Class.
plot-method The cvpp Class.
plot-method The cvsit Class.
plot-method The ms Class.
plot-method The perm Class.
QuantileAnalysis Quantile sensitivity analysis
SecondFilter This function is used for the second step of filtering which removes OTUs based on a threshold.
show-method The cvle Class.
show-method The cvmm Class.
show-method The cvmv Class.
show-method The cvpp Class.
show-method The cvsit Class.
show-method The ms Class.
show-method The perm Class.
SITaxa Sequential Increase in Taxa for the PCA or PLS classifier
summary-method The cvle Class.
summary-method The cvmm Class.
summary-method The cvmv Class.
summary-method The cvpp Class.
summary-method The cvsit Class.
summary-method The ms Class.
summary-method The perm Class.
SummaryData This function gives indices such as Observed richness, Shannon index, Inverse Simpson, ... of higher level such as levelily, order, phylum, ...
SurvPcaClass Survival PCA and Classification for microbiome data
SurvPlsClass Survival PLS and Classification for microbiome data
Top1Uni This function finds out the taxon has the smallest p-value, then calculate risk score of patients based on that taxon. Categorized subjects into high or low risk groups based on the mean of the risk score as a cutoff point Checking whether the two groups are significant difference in the probability to be survival.
Week3_otu OTU table at week 3.
Week3_response Response datase.
ZerosPerGroup This function returns a matrix with rows are Micros and 9 columns containing number and the proportion of zeros per groups of treatments and in total.