calib_ests {MetaUtility} | R Documentation |
Return calibrated estimates of studies' population effect sizes
Returns estimates of the population effect in each study based on the methods of Wang & Lee (2019). Unlike the point estimates themselves, these "calibrated" estimates have been appropriately shrunk to correct the overdispersion that arises due to the studies' finite sample sizes. By default, this function uses Dersimonian-Laird moments-based estimates of the mean and variance of the true effects, as Wang & Lee (2019) recommended.
calib_ests(yi, sei, method = "DL")
yi |
Vector of study-level point estimates |
sei |
Vector of study-level standard errors |
method |
Estimation method for mean and variance of population effects (passed to |
Wang C-C & Lee W-C (2019). A simple method to estimate prediction intervals and predictive distributions: Summarizing meta-analyses beyond means and confidence intervals. Research Synthesis Methods.
d = metafor::escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg,
ci=cpos, di=cneg,
# calculate calibrated estimates
d$calib = calib_ests( yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vi) )
# look at 5 studies with the largest calibrated estimates
d = d[ order(d$calib, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# look at kernel density estimate of calibrated estimates