Utility Functions for Conducting and Interpreting Meta-Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘MetaUtility’ version 2.1.2

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calib_ests Return calibrated estimates of studies' population effect sizes
ci_to_var Calculate variance given confidence interval limit and point estimate
d_to_logRR Convert Cohen's d to log risk ratio
format_CI Manuscript-friendly confidence interval formatting
format_stat Manuscript-friendly number formatting
parse_CI_string Parse a string with point estimate and confidence interval
pct_pval Return sign test p-value for meta-analysis percentile
prop_stronger Estimate proportion of population effect sizes above or below a threshold
prop_stronger_sign Return sign test point estimate of proportion of effects above or below threshold.
round2 Round while keeping trailing zeroes
r_to_d Convert Pearson's r to Cohen's d
r_to_z Convert Pearson's r to Fisher's z
scrape_meta Convert forest plot or summary table to meta-analytic dataset
tau_CI Return confidence interval for tau for a meta-analysis
z_to_r Convert Fisher's z to Pearson's r