matmult {MatrixExtra}R Documentation

Multithreaded Sparse-Dense Matrix and Vector Multiplications


Multithreaded <matrix, matrix> multiplications ('%*%', 'crossprod', and 'tcrossprod') and <matrix, vector> multiplications ('%*%'), for <sparse, dense> matrix combinations and <sparse, vector> combinations (See signatures for supported combinations).

Objects from the 'float' package are also supported for some combinations.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix,CsparseMatrix'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'float32,CsparseMatrix'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'matrix,RsparseMatrix'
tcrossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'float32,RsparseMatrix'
tcrossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix,CsparseMatrix'
crossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'float32,CsparseMatrix'
crossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,matrix'
tcrossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,matrix'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,float32'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,float32'
tcrossprod(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,numeric'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,logical'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,integer'
x %*% y

## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,sparseVector'
x %*% y


x, y

dense (matrix / float32) and sparse (RsparseMatrix / CsparseMatrix) matrices or vectors (sparseVector, numeric, integer, logical).


Will try to use the maximum available number of threads for the computations when appropriate. The number of threads can be controlled through the package options (e.g. 'options("MatrixExtra.nthreads" = 1)' - see MatrixExtra-options) and will be set to 1 after running restore_old_matrix_behavior.

Be aware that sparse-dense matrix multiplications might suffer from reduced numerical precision, especially when using objects of type 'float32' (from the 'float' package).

Internally, these functions use BLAS level-1 routines, so their speed might depend on the BLAS backend being used (e.g. MKL, OpenBLAS) - that means: they might be quite slow on a default install of R for Windows (see this link for a tutorial about getting OpenBLAS in R for Windows).

Doing computations in float32 precision depends on the package float, and as such comes with some caveats:

When multiplying a sparse matrix by a sparse vector, their indices will be sorted in-place (see sort_sparse_indices).

In order to match exactly with base R's behaviors, when passing vectors to these operators, will assume their shape as follows:

In general, the output returned by these functions will be a dense matrix from base R, or a dense matrix from 'float' when one of the inputs is also from the 'float' package, with the following exceptions:


A dense matrix object in most cases, with some exceptions which might come in sparse format (see the 'Details' section).


### To use all available threads (default)
options("MatrixExtra.nthreads" = parallel::detectCores())
### Example will run with only 1 thread (CRAN policy)
options("MatrixExtra.nthreads" = 1)

## Generate random matrices
A <- rsparsematrix(5,4,.5)
B <- rsparsematrix(4,3,.5)

## Now multiply in some supported combinations
as.matrix(A) %*%
as.csr.matrix(A) %*% as.matrix(B)
tcrossprod(as.csr.matrix(A), as.matrix(A))

### Restore the number of threads
options("MatrixExtra.nthreads" = parallel::detectCores())

[Package MatrixExtra version 0.1.15 Index]