MatrixExtra-package |
MatrixExtra package |
%%-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
%*%-method |
Multithreaded Sparse-Dense Matrix and Vector Multiplications |
%/%-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
&-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
*-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
+-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
--method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
/-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
abs-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
as.coo.matrix |
Conversions between matrix types | |
Conversions between matrix types |
as.csr.matrix |
Conversions between matrix types |
as.sparse.vector |
Conversions between matrix types |
assignment |
Assignment operator for CSR matrices |
atanh-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
cbind2-method |
Concatenate sparse matrices by columns |
ceiling-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
check_sparse_matrix |
Check if the underlying data behind a sparse matrix constitutes a valid object |
conversions |
Conversions between matrix types |
crossprod-method |
Multithreaded Sparse-Dense Matrix and Vector Multiplications |
csr-linalg |
Linear Algebra functions for CSR matrices |
deepcopy_sparse_object |
Deep copy sparse matrices and vectors |
diag-method |
Linear Algebra functions for CSR matrices |
diag<--method |
Linear Algebra functions for CSR matrices |
emptySparse |
Create Empty Sparse Matrix |
expm1-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
filterSparse |
Filter values of a sparse matrix or vector |
floor-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
log1p-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
mapSparse |
Map values of a sparse matrix/vector |
mathematical-functions |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
matmult |
Multithreaded Sparse-Dense Matrix and Vector Multiplications |
MatrixExtra |
MatrixExtra package |
MatrixExtra-options |
MatrixExtra internal options |
norm-method |
Linear Algebra functions for CSR matrices |
operators |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
print-method |
Quick Glance at Sparse Objects |
rbind2-method |
Concatenate sparse matrices/vectors by rows |
rbind_csr |
Concatenate inputs by rows into a CSR matrix |
remove_sparse_zeros |
Remove Zeros from a Sparse Matrix or Sparse Vector |
restore_old_matrix_behavior |
MatrixExtra internal options |
round-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
set_new_matrix_behavior |
MatrixExtra internal options |
show |
Quick Glance at Sparse Objects |
show-method |
Quick Glance at Sparse Objects |
sign-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
signif-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
sin-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
sinh-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
slice |
Sparse Matrices Slicing |
sort_sparse_indices |
Sort the indices of a sparse matrix or sparse vector |
sqrt-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
t-method |
Transpose a sparse matrix by changing its format |
tan-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
tanh-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
tanpi-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
tcrossprod-method |
Multithreaded Sparse-Dense Matrix and Vector Multiplications |
trunc-method |
Mathematical functions for CSR and COO matrices |
t_deep |
Transpose a sparse matrix by changing its format |
t_shallow |
Transpose a sparse matrix by changing its format |
[-method |
Sparse Matrices Slicing |
[<--method |
Assignment operator for CSR matrices |
^-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |
|-method |
Mathematical operators on sparse matrices and sparse vectors |