outfit {MQMF}R Documentation

outfit tidy print of output from optim, nlminb, or nlm


outfit takes in the output list from either optim, nlminb, or nlm and prints it more tidily to the console, In the case of nlm it also prints the conclusion regarding the solution. It might be more effective to implement an S3 method.


outfit(inopt, backtran = TRUE, digits = 5, title = "", parnames = "")



the list object output by nlm, nlminb, or optim


a logical default = TRUE If TRUE it assumes that the parameters have been log-transformed for stability and need back-transforming


the number of digits to round the backtransformed parameters. defaults to 5.


character string used to label the output if desired, default = empty character string


default="" which means the estimated parameters will merely be numbered. If a vector of names is given then this will be used instead, at least, for nlm and optim.


nothing but it does print the list to the console tidily


 x <- 1:10  # generate power function data from c(2,2) + random
 y <- c(2.07,8.2,19.28,40.4,37.8,64.68,100.2,129.11,151.77,218.94)
 alldat <- cbind(x=x,y=y)
 pow <- function(pars,x) return(pars[1] * x ^ pars[2])
 ssq <- function(pars,indat) {
    return(sum((indat[,"y"] - pow(pars,indat[,"x"]))^2))
 }  # fit a power curve using normal random errors
 pars <- c(2,2)
 best <- nlm(f=ssq,p=pars,typsize=magnitude(pars),indat=alldat)
 outfit(best,backtran=FALSE) #a=1.3134, b=2.2029 ssq=571.5804

[Package MQMF version 0.1.5 Index]