calcprior |
calcprior return the sum of a vector of constant values as priors |
chapter2 |
chapter2 The 15 R-code chunks from A Non-Introduction to R |
chapter3 |
chapter3 The 27 R-code chunks from Simple Population Models |
chapter4 |
chapter4 The 47 R-code chunks from Model Parameter Estimation |
chapter5 |
chapter5 The 23 R-code chunks from Static Models |
chapter6 |
chapter6 The 53 R-code chunks from On Uncertainty |
chapter7 |
chapter7 The 67 R-code chunks from Surplus Production Models |
countgtone |
countgtone used in apply to count the number > 1 in a vector |
countgtzero |
countgtzero used in apply to count numbers > zero in a vector |
countNAs |
countNAs used in apply to count the number of NAs in a vector |
countones |
countones used in apply to count the number of ones in a vector |
countzeros |
countzeros used in apply to count the number of zeros in a vector |
getlag |
getlag is used to look for the response of cpue to previous catches |
getmax |
getmax can be used to define the upper bound for a plot |
getmin |
getmin can be used to define the lower bound for a plot |
getMSY |
getMSY calculates the MSY for the Polacheck et al 1993 equation |
getname |
getname returns the name of a variable as character |
getrmse |
getrmse calculates the rmse of the input 'invar' series |
getseed |
getseed generates a random number seed |
getsingle |
getsingle extracts one number from an input line of characters |
gettime |
gettime calculates time in seconds passed each day |
getvector |
getvector extracts a vector of numbers from a line of characters |
Gz |
Gz calculates predicted Gompertz length-at-age growth curve |
panel.cor |
panel.cor is a version of a function given in the help for pairs |
parasympt |
parasympt generates N vectors from a multi-variate normal |
parset |
parset alters the current base graphics par settings |
parsyn |
parsyn types the standard par command syntax to the console |
penalty0 |
penalty0 enables the adding of a large penalty as one approaches 0.0 |
penalty1 |
penalty1 adds an increasingly large penalty as a value approaches 1.0 |
plot.dynpop |
plot.dynpop an S3 method for plotting dynpop objects |
plot1 |
plot1 a quick way to plot an xy line or point plot |
plotfishM |
plotfishM plots the catch and optionally the cpue |
plotlag |
plotlag plots the effect of a lag between two variables |
plotprep |
plotprep sets up a window and the par values for plotting |
plotprofile |
plotprofile simplifies plotting single likelihood profiles |
plotproj |
plotproj generate a plot of a matrix of biomass projections |
plotspmdat |
plotspmdat plots the fish data containing catches and cpue |
plotspmmod |
plotspmmod plots an spm model fit given parameters and data |
predfreq |
predfreq is used for modal analysis of count data |
printV |
printV returns a vector cbinded to 1:length(invect) |
properties |
properties - used to examine the properties of a data.frame |
pttuna |
pttuna is yellowfin tuna fishery data from Pella-Tomlinson 1969 |
schaef |
schaef is yellowfin tuna fishery data from Schaefer 1957 |
setpalette |
setpalette is a shortcut for altering the palette to R4 |
simpspm |
simpspm calculates only the predicted log(CE) for an SPM |
simpspmM |
simpspmM calculates predicted CE when multiple indices are present |
spm |
spm calculates the dynamics of a Schaefer or Fox model |
spmboot |
spmboot conducts a bootstrap analysis on a spm model |
spmCE |
spmCE - calculates the dynamics for multiple cpue time-series |
spmphaseplot |
spmphaseplot - plots the phase plot of harvest rate vs biomass |
spmproj |
spmproj calculates biomass trajectories for replicate parameters |
spmprojDet |
spmprojDet conducts forward projections from known conditions |
srug |
srug is the Schnute and Richards Unified Growth Curve |
ssq |
ssq a generalized function for summing squared residuals |
summspm |
summspm extracts critical statistics from output of plotspmmod |