anova.mlcm {MLCM}R Documentation

Analysis of Deviance for Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement Model Fits


Compute an analysis of deviance table for one or more maximum likelihood conjoint measurement model fits.


## S3 method for class 'mlcm'
anova(object, ..., dispersion = NULL, test = NULL)


object, ...

objects of class mlcm, typically the result of a call to mlcm


the dispersion parameter for the fitting family. By default, it is obtained from the object(s)


a character string (partially) matching one of "Chisq", "F", or "Cp". See stat.anova. Normally, "Chisq" is the appropriate value, here.


See anova.glm for details. In brief, specifying a single object, results in the display of a sequential analysis of deviance table for that model. Specifying several objects, a table indicating the results of the likelihood ratio tests between successive models is displayed. The models must be nested and fit to the same data set. One can mix a formula method model with a glm model, but not more than one comparison between a pair of such models at a time.


An object of class "anova" inheriting from class "data.frame".


see section Warnings in anova for warnings.


Kenneth Knoblauch


Ho, Y. H., Landy. M. S. and Maloney, L. T. (2008). Conjoint measurement of gloss and surface texture. Psychological Science, 19, 196–204.

See Also

anova.glm, anova, glm


bg.add <- mlcm(BumpyGlossy)
bg.ind <- mlcm(BumpyGlossy, model = "ind", whichdim = 2)
bg.full <- mlcm(BumpyGlossy, model = "full")

anova(bg.ind, bg.add, bg.full, test = "Chisq")

[Package MLCM version 0.4.3 Index]