Omics Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘MKomics’ version 0.7

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MKomics-package Omics Data Analysis.
corDist Correlation Distance Matrix Computation
corPlot Plot of similarity matrix based on correlation
corPlot2 Plot of similarity matrix based on correlation
heatmapCol Generate colors for heatmaps
madMatrix Compute MAD between colums of a matrix or data.frame
madPlot Plot of similarity matrix based on MAD
madPlot2 Plot of similarity matrix based on MAD
MKomics Omics Data Analysis.
mod.oneway.test Moderated 1-Way ANOVA
mod.t.test Moderated t-Test
oneWayAnova A function for Analysis of Variance
pairwise.fc Compute pairwise fold changes
pairwise.logfc Compute pairwise log-fold changes
pairwise.mod.t.test Pairwise Moderated t-Tests
repMeans Compute mean of replicated spots
simPlot Plot of a similarity matrix.
simPlot2 Plot of a similarity matrix.
stringDist Function to compute distances between strings
stringSim Function to compute similarity scores between strings
traceBack Function to trace back
twoWayAnova A function for Analysis of Variance