Algorithm to Compute Monitor Independent Movement Summary Unit (MIMS-Unit)

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Documentation for package ‘MIMSunit’ version 0.11.2

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aggregate_for_mims Aggregate over epoch to get numerically integrated values.
aggregate_for_orientation Aggregate over epoch to get estimated accelerometer orientation.
bandlimited_interp Apply a bandlimited interpolation filter to the signal to change the sampling rate
clip_data Clip dataframe to the given start and stop time
compute_orientation Estimate the accelerometer orientation
conceptual_diagram_data The input accelerometer data used to generate the conceptual diagram (Figure 1) in the manuscript.
custom_mims_unit Compute both MIMS-unit and sensor orientations with custom settings
cut_off_signal Cut off input multi-channel signal according to a new dynamic range
cv_different_algorithms Coefficient of variation values for different acceleration data summary algorithms
edge_case A short snippet of raw accelerometer signal from a device that has ending data maxed out.
export_to_actilife Export accelerometer data in Actilife RAW CSV format
extrapolate Extrapolate input multi-channel accelerometer data
extrapolate_rate Get extrapolation rate.
extrapolate_single_col Extrapolate input multi-channel accelerometer data
generate_interactive_plot Plot MIMS unit values or raw signal using dygraphs interactive plotting library.
iir Apply IIR filter to the signal
illustrate_extrapolation Plot illustrations about extrapolation in illustration style.
illustrate_signal Plot given raw signal in illustration diagram style.
import_actigraph_count_csv Import Actigraph count data stored in Actigraph summary csv format
import_actigraph_csv Import raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in Actigraph raw csv format
import_actigraph_csv_chunked Import large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in Actigraph raw csv format in chunks
import_actigraph_meta Import The meta information stored in Actigraph RAW or summary csv file.
import_activpal3_csv Import raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in ActivPal3 csv format
import_enmo_csv Import ENMO data stored in csv csv
import_mhealth_csv Import raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in mHealth Specification
import_mhealth_csv_chunked Import large raw multi-channel accelerometer data stored in mHealth Specification in chunks.
interpolate_signal Interpolate missing points and unify sampling rate for multi-channel signal
measurements_different_devices The mean and standard deviation of accelerometer summary measure for different acceleration data summary algorithms and for different devices.
mims_unit Compute Monitor Independent Motion Summary unit (MIMS-unit)
mims_unit_from_files Compute Monitor Independent Motion Summary unit (MIMS-unit)
parse_epoch_string Parse epoch string to the corresponding number of samples it represents.
rest_on_table A short snippet of raw accelerometer signal from a device resting on a table.
sample_raw_accel_data Sample raw accelerometer data
sampling_rate Estimate sampling rate for multi-channel signal
segment_data Segment input dataframe into windows as specified by breaks. 'segment_data' segments the input sensor dataframe into epoch windows with length specified in breaks.
sensor_orientations Estimates sensor orientation
shiny_app Run shiny app to compute MIMSunit values from files
simulate_new_data Simulate new data based on the given multi-channel accelerometer data
sum_up Sum of multi-channel signal.
vector_magnitude Vector magnitude of multi-channel signal.