compute.PFN.par {MEGENA} | R Documentation |
Parallelized PFN computation
PFN construction by parallelized edge screening.
compute.PFN.par(sortedEdge,Ng,maxENum,Njob,Ncore,max.skipEdges = NULL,
keep.track = TRUE,initial.links = NULL)
sortedEdge |
3-column matrix for the input edgelist (e.g. - correlation pair list). Must be sorted by third column, which is usually weight vector. |
Ng |
integer. number of genes included in sortedEdge. |
maxENum |
Maximum number of edges to include in final PFN. The theoretical maximal number enforced by Euler's formula is 3(Ng-2). |
max.skipEdges |
Maximum number of edges to be counted before any valid edge to be included in PFN. This works as a termination condition to avoid exhaustive planarity testing over all edges provided in sortedEdge. |
Njob |
Number of edges to be passed to each core for parallelized edge screening. |
Ncore |
Number of cores to utilize. |
keep.track |
TRUE/FALSE logical. Indicate if the record of PFN construction is saved in temporary file "pfg_el.RData". Default is TRUE. |
initial.links |
If provided, PFN construction will restart by regarding these initial.links as already-built PFN. |
This is parallelized implementation of PFN construction, where it is possible to re-capture PFN construction by providing already computed edgelist into initial.links. Although provivded, this function itself may require careful caution and users are encouraged to use more user-friendly "calculate.PFN()" instead.
A 3-column matrices, where first two columns are integer indices for vertices, and third is the weight vector.
Won-Min Song