MultiDimensional Feature Selection

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Documentation for package ‘MDFS’ version 1.5.3

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AddContrastVariables Add contrast variables to data S3 method implementation for MDFS
ComputeInterestingTuples Interesting tuples
ComputeInterestingTuplesDiscrete Interesting tuples (discrete)
ComputeMaxInfoGains Max information gains
ComputeMaxInfoGainsDiscrete Max information gains (discrete)
ComputePValue Compute p-values from information gains and return MDFS
Discretize Discretize variable on demand
GenContrastVariables Generate contrast variables from data
GetRange Get the recommended range for multiple discretisations
madelon An artificial dataset called MADELON
MDFS Run end-to-end MDFS
mdfs_omp_set_num_threads Call omp_set_num_threads
plot.MDFS Plot MDFS details
RelevantVariables Find indices of relevant variables
RelevantVariables.MDFS Find indices of relevant variables from MDFS