mcaPeaks {MBmca}R Documentation

Function to estimate the approximate local minima and maxima of melting curve data.


The mcaPeaks() is used to estimate the approximate local minima and maxima of melting curve data. This can be useful to define a temperature range for melting curve analysis, quality control of the melting curve or to define a threshold of peak heights. Melting curves may consist of multiple significant and insignificant melting peaks. mcaPeaks() uses estimated the temperatures and fluorescence values of the local minima and maxima. The original data remain unchanged and only the approximate local minima and maxima are returned. mcaPeaks() takes modified code proposed earlier by Brian Ripley (


mcaPeaks(x, y, span = 3)



x is the column of a data frame for the temperature.


y is the column of a data frame for the fluorescence values.


span is used to adjust the window span.



returns a data.frame with the temperatures ("T (minima)") and the fluorescence ("F (minima)") for the local minima of the processed data.


returns a data.frame with the temperatures ("T (minima)") and the fluorescence ("F (minima)") for the local maxima of the processed data.


Stefan Roediger

See Also

mcaSmoother, smooth.spline


# First Example
# Smooth and Min-Max normalize melting curve data with mcaSmoother()
tmp <- mcaSmoother(DMP[, 1], DMP[,6], minmax = TRUE, n = 2)

# Extract the first derivative melting curve data
tmp.d <- diffQ(tmp, verbose = TRUE)$xy

# Determine the approximate local minima and maxima of a curve
peak.val <-mcaPeaks(tmp.d[, 1], tmp.d[, 2])

# Plot the first derivative melting curve
# Add a horizontal line and points for the approximate local minima 
# and maxima to the plot
plot(tmp.d, type = "l", 
     main = "Show the approximate local minima and maxima of a curve")
  abline(h = 0)
  points(peak.val$p.min, col = 1, pch = 19)
  points(peak.val$p.max, col = 2, pch = 19)
  legend(25, 0.08, c("Minima", "Maxima"), col = c(1,2), pch = c(19,19))

# Second example
# Signifcant peaks can be distinguished by peak hight
plot(tmp.d, type = "l", 
      main = "Show the approximate local minima and maxima of a curve")
  abline(h = 0)
  points(peak.val$p.min, col = 1, pch = 19)
  points(peak.val$p.max, col = 2, pch = 19)
  legend(25, 0.08, c("Minima", "Maxima"), col = c(1,2), pch = c(19,19))

# Test which local maxima peak is above the median + 3 * Median Absolute 
# Add a threshold (th) line to the plot
th.max <- median(peak.val$p.max[, 2]) + 3 * mad(peak.val$p.max[, 2])
abline(h = th.max, col = 3)

# add the approximate temperatures of the local minima and 
# maxima to the plot
T.val <- c(peak.val$p.min[, 1], peak.val$p.max[, 1])
text(T.val, rep(-0.05, length(T.val)), round(T.val,0))

# Use a temperature range from the plot to calculate the Tm of 
# the maximum Trange is used between 37 and 74 degree Celsius

tmp <- mcaSmoother(DMP[, 1], DMP[, 6], minmax = TRUE, Trange = c(37,74), 
		    n = 2)
# Tm 48.23, fluoTm 0.137
diffQ(tmp, fct = max, plot = TRUE)

[Package MBmca version 1.0.1-3 Index]