Companion Package for the Book "Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science"

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Documentation for package ‘MBCbook’ version 0.1.2

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MBCbook-package Companion Package for the Book "Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science"
Advice The Advice data set from Lazega (2001)
AIDSBlogs The AIDSBlogs data set
amazonFineFoods The Amazon Fine Foods data set
constrEM Semi-supervised clustering with must-link constraints
Coworker The Coworker data set from Lazega (2001)
credit The Credit data set
denoisePatches Denoising of image patches
Friend The Friend data set from Lazega (2001)
imageToPatch Transform an image into a collection of patches
imshow Display an image
MBCbook Companion Package for the Book "Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science"
NIR The chemometrics near-infrared (NIR) data set
PoliticalBlogs The political blog data set
puffin The puffin data set
reconstructImage Reconstructing an image from a patch decomposition
rqda Robust (quadratic) discriminant analysis
UScongress The US congress vote data set
usps358 The handwritten digits usps358 data set
varSelEM A variable selection algorithm for clustering
velib2D The bivariate Vélib data set
velibCount The discrete version (count data) of the Vélib data set
wine27 The (27-dimensional) Italian Wine data set