MARSSinits {MARSS}R Documentation

Initial Values for MLE


Sets up generic starting values for parameters for maximum-likelihood estimation algorithms that use an iterative maximization routine needing starting values. Examples of such algorithms are the EM algorithm in MARSSkem() and Newton methods in MARSSoptim(). This is a utility function in the MARSS-package. It is not exported to the user. Users looking for information on specifying initial conditions should look at the help file for MARSS() and the User Guide section on initial conditions.

The function assumes that the user passed in the inits list using the parameter names in whatever form was specified in the MARSS() call. The default is form="marxss". The MARSSinits() function calls MARSSinits_foo, where foo is the form specified in the MARSS() call. MARSSinits_foo translates the inits list in form foo into form marss.


MARSSinits(MLEobj, inits=list(B=1, U=0, Q=0.05, Z=1, A=0, 
    R=0.05, x0=-99, V0=5, G=0, H=0, L=0))



An object of class marssMLE.


A list of column vectors (matrices with one column) of the estimated values in each parameter matrix.


Creates an inits parameter list for use by iterative maximization algorithms.

Default values for inits is supplied in MARSSsettings.R. The user can alter these and supply any of the following (m is the dim of X and n is the dim of Y in the MARSS model):


A list with initial values for the estimated values for each parameter matrix in a MARSS model in marss form. So this will be a list with elements B, U, Q, Z, A, R, x0, V0, G, H, L.


Within the base code, a form-specific internal MARSSinits function is called to allow the output to vary based on form: MARSSinits_dfa, MARSSinits_marss, MARSSinits_marxss.


Eli Holmes, NOAA, Seattle, USA.

See Also

marssMODEL, MARSSkem(), MARSSoptim()

[Package MARSS version 3.11.9 Index]