plot_FilterCombinations {Luminescence}R Documentation

Plot filter combinations along with the (optional) net transmission window


The function allows to plot transmission windows for different filters. Missing data for specific wavelengths are automatically interpolated for the given filter data using the function approx. With that a standardised output is reached and a net transmission window can be shown.


  wavelength_range = 200:1000,
  show_net_transmission = TRUE,
  interactive = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,



list (required): a named list of filter data for each filter to be shown. The filter data itself should be either provided as data.frame or matrix. (for more options s. Details)


numeric (with default): wavelength range used for the interpolation


logical (with default): show net transmission window as polygon.


logical (with default): enable/disable interactive plot


logical (with default): enables or disables the plot output


further arguments that can be passed to control the plot output. Supported are main, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, type, lty, lwd. For non common plotting parameters see the details section.



Net transmission window

The net transmission window of two filters is approximated by

Tfinal=T1T2T_{final} = T_{1} * T_{2}

Optical density

OD=log10(T)OD = -log10(T)

Total optical density

ODtotal=OD1+OD2OD_{total} = OD_{1} + OD_{2}

Please consider using own calculations for more precise values.

How to provide input data?


The function expects that all filter values are either of type matrix or data.frame with two columns. The first columns contains the wavelength, the second the relative transmission (but not in percentage, i.e. the maximum transmission can be only become 1).

In this case only the transmission window is show as provided. Changes in filter thickness and reflection factor are not considered.


The filter data itself are provided as list element containing a matrix or data.frame and additional information on the thickness of the filter, e.g., list(filter1 = list(filter_matrix, d = 2)). The given filter data are always considered as standard input and the filter thickness value is taken into account by

Transmission=Transmission(d)Transmission = Transmission^(d)

with d given in the same dimension as the original filter data.


Same as CASE 2 but additionally a reflection factor P is provided, e.g., list(filter1 = list(filter_matrix, d = 2, P = 0.9)). The final transmission becomes:

Transmission=Transmission(d)PTransmission = Transmission^(d) * P

Advanced plotting parameters

The following further non-common plotting parameters can be passed to the function:

Argument Datatype Description
legend logical enable/disable legend
legend.pos character change legend position (graphics::legend)
legend.text character same as the argument legend in (graphics::legend)
net_transmission.col col colour of net transmission window polygon
net_transmission.col_lines col colour of net transmission window polygon lines
net_transmission.density numeric specify line density in the transmission polygon
grid list full list of arguments that can be passed to the function graphics::grid

For further modifications standard additional R plot functions are recommend, e.g., the legend can be fully customised by disabling the standard legend and use the function graphics::legend instead.


Returns an S4 object of type RLum.Results.


Object Type Description
net_transmission_window matrix the resulting net transmission window
OD_total matrix the total optical density
filter_matrix matrix the filter matrix used for plotting


Object Type Description
call call the original function call

Function version


How to cite

Kreutzer, S., 2024. plot_FilterCombinations(): Plot filter combinations along with the (optional) net transmission window. Function version 0.3.2. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J., Mercier, N., Philippe, A., Riedesel, S., Autzen, M., Mittelstrass, D., Gray, H.J., Galharret, J., 2024. Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 0.9.24.


Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany) , RLum Developer Team

See Also

RLum.Results, approx


## (For legal reasons no real filter data are provided)

## Create filter sets
filter1 <- density(rnorm(100, mean = 450, sd = 20))
filter1 <- matrix(c(filter1$x, filter1$y/max(filter1$y)), ncol = 2)
filter2 <- matrix(c(200:799,rep(c(0,0.8,0),each = 200)), ncol = 2)

## Example 1 (standard)
plot_FilterCombinations(filters = list(filter1, filter2))

## Example 2 (with d and P value and name for filter 2)
results <- plot_FilterCombinations(
filters = list(filter_1 = filter1, Rectangle = list(filter2, d = 2, P = 0.6)))

## Example 3 show optical density

## Not run: 
##Example 4
##show the filters using the interactive mode
plot_FilterCombinations(filters = list(filter1, filter2), interactive = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package Luminescence version 0.9.24 Index]