gap_handler {LightLogR}R Documentation

Fill implicit gaps in a light logger dataset


Datasets from light loggers often have implicit gaps. These gaps are implicit in the sense that consecutive timestamps (Datetimes) might not follow a regular epoch/interval. This function fills these implicit gaps by creating a gapless sequence of Datetimes and joining it to the dataset. The gapless sequence is determined by the minimum and maximum Datetime in the dataset (per group) and an epoch. The epoch can either be guessed from the dataset or specified by the user. A sequence of gapless Datetimes can be created with the gapless_Datetimes() function, whereas the dominant epoch in the data can be checked with the dominant_epoch() function. The behaviour argument specifies how the data is combined. By default, the data is joined with a full join, which means that all rows from the gapless sequence are kept, even if there is no matching row in the dataset.


  Datetime.colname = Datetime,
  epoch = "dominant.epoch",
  behavior = c("full_sequence", "regulars", "irregulars", "gaps"),
  full.days = FALSE



A light logger dataset. Needs to be a dataframe.


The column that contains the datetime. Needs to be a POSIXct and part of the dataset.


The epoch to use for the gapless sequence. Can be either a lubridate::duration() or a string. If it is a string, it needs to be either '"dominant.epoch"' (the default) for a guess based on the data or a valid lubridate::duration() string, e.g., "1 day" or "10 sec".


The behavior of the join of the dataset with the gapless sequence. Can be one of "full_sequence" (the default), "regulars", "irregulars", or "gaps". See @return for details.


If TRUE, the gapless sequence will include the whole first and last day where there is data.


A modified tibble similar to dataset but with handling of implicit gaps, depending on the behavior argument:

See Also

Other regularize: dominant_epoch(), gap_finder(), gapless_Datetimes()


dataset <-
tibble::tibble(Id = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"),
              Datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(1) +
                         lubridate::days(c(0:2, 4, 6, 8)) +
                         lubridate::hours(c(0,12,rep(0,4)))) %>% 
#assuming the epoch is 1 day, we can add implicit data to our dataset
dataset %>% gap_handler(epoch = "1 day")

#we can also check whether there are irregular Datetimes in our dataset
dataset %>% gap_handler(epoch = "1 day", behavior = "irregulars")

#to get to the gaps, we can use the "gaps" behavior
dataset %>% gap_handler(epoch = "1 day", behavior = "gaps")
#finally, we can also get just the regular Datetimes
dataset %>% gap_handler(epoch = "1 day", behavior = "regulars")

[Package LightLogR version 0.3.8 Index]