aggregate_Date | Aggregate dates to a single day |
aggregate_Datetime | Aggregate Datetime data |
barroso_lighting_metrics | Circadian lighting metrics from Barroso et al. (2014) |
bright_dark_period | Brightest or darkest continuous period |
Brown2reference | Add Brown et al. (2022) reference illuminance to a dataset |
Brown_check | Check whether a value is within the recommended illuminance/MEDI levels by Brown et al. (2022) |
Brown_rec | Set the recommended illuminance/MEDI levels by Brown et al. (2022) |
centroidLE | Centroid of light exposure |
count_difftime | Counts the Time differences (epochs) per group (in a grouped dataset) |
create_Timedata | Create a Time-of-Day column in the dataset |
cut_Datetime | Create Datetime bins for visualization and calculation |
data2reference | Create reference data from other data |
Datetime_breaks | Create a (shifted) sequence of Datetimes for axis breaks |
Datetime_limits | Find or set sensible limits for Datetime axis |
disparity_index | Disparity index |
dominant_epoch | Determine the dominant epoch/interval of a dataset |
dst_change_handler | Handle jumps in Daylight Savings (DST) that are missing in the data |
dst_change_summary | Get a summary of groups where a daylight saving time change occurs. |
duration_above_threshold | Duration above/below threshold or within threshold range |
exponential_moving_average | Exponential moving average filter (EMA) |
filter_Date | Filter Datetimes in a dataset. |
filter_Datetime | Filter Datetimes in a dataset. |
filter_Datetime_multiple | Filter multiple times based on a list of arguments. |
filter_Time | Filter Times in a dataset. |
frequency_crossing_threshold | Frequency of crossing light threshold |
gapless_Datetimes | Create a gapless sequence of Datetimes |
gap_finder | Check for and output gaps in a dataset |
gap_handler | Fill implicit gaps in a light logger dataset |
gg_day | Create a simple Time-of-Day plot of light logger data, faceted by Date |
gg_days | Create a simple datetime plot of light logger data, faceted by group |
gg_doubleplot | Double Plots |
gg_overview | Plot an overview of dataset intervals with implicit missing data |
import | Import a light logger dataset or related data |
import_adjustment | Adjust device imports or make your own |
import_Dataset | Import a light logger dataset or related data |
import_Statechanges | Import data that contain 'Datetimes' of 'Statechanges' |
interdaily_stability | Interdaily stability (IS) |
interval2state | Adds a state column to a dataset from interval data |
intradaily_variability | Intradaily variability (IV) |
join_datasets | Join similar Datasets |
ll_import_expr | A list of the specific device import functions |
midpointCE | Midpoint of cumulative light exposure. |
nvRC | Non-visual circadian response |
nvRC_circadianBias | Performance metrics for circadian response |
nvRC_circadianDisturbance | Performance metrics for circadian response |
nvRC_metrics | Performance metrics for circadian response |
nvRC_relativeAmplitudeError | Performance metrics for circadian response |
nvRD | Non-visual direct response |
nvRD_cumulative_response | Cumulative non-visual direct response |
period_above_threshold | Length of longest continuous period above/below threshold |
pulses_above_threshold | Pulses above threshold | | Sample of wearable data combined with environmental data |
sc2interval | Statechange (sc) Timestamps to Intervals |
sleep_int2Brown | Recode Sleep/Wake intervals to Brown state intervals |
supported.devices | A vector of all supported devices for import functions |
symlog_trans | Scale positive and negative values on a log scale |
threshold_for_duration | Find threshold for given duration |
timing_above_threshold | Mean/first/last timing above/below threshold. |