agglomerativeHC |
To execute agglomerative hierarchical clusterization algorithm by distance and approach. |
agglomerativeHC.details |
To explain agglomerative hierarchical clusterization algorithm by distance and approach. |
canberradistance |
To calculate the Canberra distance. |
canberradistance.details |
To show the formula and to return the Canberra distance. |
canberradistanceW |
To calculate the Canberra distance applying weights. |
canberradistanceW.details |
To calculate the Canberra distance applying weights . |
chebyshevDistance |
To calculate the Chebyshev distance. |
chebyshevDistance.details |
To show the formula of the Chebyshev distance. |
chebyshevDistanceW |
To calculate the Chebyshev distance applying weights. |
chebyshevDistanceW.details |
To calculate the Chebyshev distance applying weights. |
clusterDistance |
To calculate the distance between clusters. |
clusterDistance.details |
To explain how to calculate the distance between clusters. |
clusterDistanceByApproach |
To calculate the distance by approach option. |
clusterDistanceByApproach.details |
To explain how to calculate the distance by approach option. |
complementaryClusters |
To check if two clusters are complementary |
complementaryClusters.details |
To explain how and why two clusters are complementary. |
correlationHC |
To execute hierarchical correlation algorithm. |
correlationHC.details |
To explain how hierarchical correlation algorithm works. |
distances |
To calculate distances applying weights. |
distances.details |
To calculate distances applying weights. |
divisiveHC |
To execute divisive hierarchical clusterization algorithm by distance and approach. |
divisiveHC.details |
To explain the divisive hierarchical clusterization algorithm by distance and approach. |
edistance |
To calculate the Euclidean distance. |
edistance.details |
To show the Euclidean distance formula. |
edistanceW |
To calculate the Euclidean distance applying weights. |
edistanceW.details |
To calculate the Euclidean distance applying weights. |
getCluster |
To get the clusters with minimal distance. |
getCluster.details |
To explain how to get the clusters with minimal distance. |
getClusterDivisive |
To get the clusters with maximal distance. |
getClusterDivisive.details |
To explain how to get the clusters with maximal distance. |
initClusters |
To initialize clusters for the divisive algorithm. |
initClusters.details |
To explain how to initialize clusters for the divisive algorithm. |
initData |
To initialize data, hierarchical correlation algorithm. |
initData.details |
To initialize data, hierarchical correlation algorithm. |
initImages |
To display an image. |
initTarget |
To initialize target, hierarchical correlation algorithm. |
initTarget.details |
To initialize target, hierarchical correlation algorithm. |
matrixDistance |
Matrix distance by distance type |
maxDistance |
Maximal distance |
maxDistance.details |
Maximal distance |
mdAgglomerative |
Matrix distance by distance and approach type. |
mdAgglomerative.details |
Matrix distance by distance and approach type. |
mdDivisive |
Matrix distance by distance and approach type. |
mdDivisive.details |
Matrix distance by distance and approach type. |
mdistance |
To calculate the Manhattan distance. |
mdistance.details |
To explain how to calculate the Manhattan distance. |
mdistanceW |
To calculate the Manhattan distance applying weights. |
mdistanceW.details |
To calculate the Manhattan distance applying weights. |
minDistance |
Minimal distance |
minDistance.details |
Minimal distance |
newCluster |
To create a new cluster. |
newCluster.details |
To explain how to create a new cluster. |
normalizeWeight |
To normalize weight values. |
normalizeWeight.details |
To normalize weight values. |
octileDistance |
To calculate the Octile distance. |
octileDistance.details |
To explain how to calculate the Octile distance. |
octileDistanceW |
To calculate the Octile distance applying weights. |
octileDistanceW.details |
To calculate the Octile distance applying weights. |
toList |
To transform data into list |
toList.details |
To explain how to transform data into list |
toListDivisive |
To transform data into list |
toListDivisive.details |
To explain how to transform data into list |
usefulClusters |
To delete clusters grouped. |