calc_biomass |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
calc_growth |
Calculate growth |
calc_LFI |
Calculate community indicators |
calc_LQ |
Calculate community indicators |
calc_M1 |
Calculate background mortality |
calc_M1_constRNM |
Calculate background mortality |
calc_M1_lin |
Calculate background mortality |
calc_M1_stdRNM |
Calculate background mortality |
calc_M2 |
Calculate predation mortality |
calc_mature |
Calculate the proportion of mature individuals |
calc_phi |
Calculate the proportion of individuals that leave each length class for each species each length class each time step. |
calc_prefs |
Calculate predator-prey size preferences |
calc_Q |
Calculate gear catchability |
calc_ration_growthfac |
Calculate growth increments |
calc_recruits |
Calculate the number of recruits |
calc_SSB |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
calc_suit_vect |
Combines prey preference and prey suitability |
calc_TyL |
Calculate community indicators |
comb_LeMans_run |
Combine two 'LeMans_outputs' objects |
get_annual_catch |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_annual_catch-method |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_biomass |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
get_biomass-method |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
get_CPG |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_CPG-method |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_CPUE |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_CPUE-method |
Get annual catch for each species, catch per unit effort or catch per gear |
get_indicators |
Calculate indicators |
get_indicators-method |
Calculate indicators |
get_LFI |
Calculate indicators |
get_LFI-method |
Calculate indicators |
get_LQ |
Calculate indicators |
get_LQ-method |
Calculate indicators |
get_M1 |
Calculate background mortality |
get_MML |
Calculate indicators |
get_MML-method |
Calculate indicators |
get_N0 |
Generate a starting value for N |
get_Q |
Calculate gear catchability |
get_rec_fun |
Collate the stock recruitment functions |
get_SSB |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
get_SSB-method |
Calculate Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) or total biomass |
get_TyL |
Calculate indicators |
get_TyL-method |
Calculate indicators |
knife_edge_catch |
Calculate gear catchability |
LeMansParam |
A constructor for the 'LeMansParam' class |
LeMansParam-method |
A constructor for the 'LeMansParam' class |
LeMans_outputs-class |
An S4 class representing the outputs of the LeMans model |
LeMans_param-class |
An S4 class representing the inputs of the LeMans model |
logistic_catch |
Calculate gear catchability |
log_gaussian_catch |
Calculate gear catchability |
make_rec_fun |
Generate the stock recruitment functions |
NS_eta |
The steepness of the slope of the catchability curve |
NS_L50 |
The length at 50% of the maximum catchability of the catchability curve |
NS_mixed_fish |
Gear selectivity data frame |
NS_other |
Other food for the North Sea |
NS_par |
North Sea data |
NS_tau |
North Sea interaction matrix |
plot_biomass |
Plot Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) |
plot_biomass-method |
Plot Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) |
plot_indicators |
Plot indicators |
plot_indicators-method |
Plot indicators |
plot_LFI |
Plot indicators |
plot_LFI-method |
Plot indicators |
plot_LQ |
Plot indicators |
plot_LQ-method |
Plot indicators |
plot_MML |
Plot indicators |
plot_MML-method |
Plot indicators |
plot_SSB |
Plot Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) |
plot_SSB-method |
Plot Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) |
plot_TyL |
Plot indicators |
plot_TyL-method |
Plot indicators |
rec_BH |
The Beverton-Holt stock recruitment function |
rec_const |
The constant stock recruitment function |
rec_hockey |
The hockey-stick stock recruitment function |
rec_linear |
The density-independent stock recruitment function |
rec_Ricker |
The Ricker stock recruitment function |
run_LeMans |
Project the LeMans model |
run_LeMans-method |
Project the LeMans model |