dist.Matrix.Normal {LaplacesDemon}R Documentation

Matrix Normal Distribution


These functions provide the density and random number generation for the matrix normal distribution.


dmatrixnorm(X, M, U, V, log=FALSE) 
rmatrixnorm(M, U, V)



This is data or parameters in the form of a matrix with nn rows and kk columns.


This is mean matrix with nn rows and kk columns.


This is a n×nn \times n positive-definite scale matrix.


This is a k×kk \times k positive-definite scale matrix.


Logical. If log=TRUE, then the logarithm of the density is returned.


The matrix normal distribution is also called the matrix Gaussian, matrix-variate normal, or matrix-variate Gaussian distribution. It is a generalization of the multivariate normal distribution to matrix-valued random variables.

An example of the use of a matrix normal distribution is multivariate regression, in which there is a j×kj \times k matrix of regression effects of jj predictors for kk dependent variables. For univariate regression, having only one dependent variable, the jj regression effects may be multivariate normally distributed. For multivariate regression, this multivariate normal distribution may be extended to a matrix normal distribution to account for relationships of the regression effects across kk dependent variables. In this example, the matrix normal distribution is the conjugate prior distribution for these regression effects.

The matrix normal distribution has two covariance matrices, one for the rows and one for the columns. When UU is diagonal, the rows are independent. When VV is diagonal, the columns are independent.


dmatrixnorm gives the density and rmatrixnorm generates random deviates.


Statisticat, LLC. software@bayesian-inference.com

See Also

dinvmatrixgamma, dmatrixgamma, and dmvn.


N <- 10
K <- 4
U <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(N*N),N,N))
V <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K*K),K,K))
x <- dmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), matrix(0,N,K), U, V)
X <- rmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), U, V)
joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)

[Package LaplacesDemon version 16.1.6 Index]