LaplacesDemon {LaplacesDemon} | R Documentation |
Laplace's Demon
The LaplacesDemon
function is the main function of Laplace's
Demon. Given data, a model specification, and initial values,
maximizes the logarithm of the unnormalized joint
posterior density with MCMC and provides samples of the marginal
posterior distributions, deviance, and other monitored variables.
The LaplacesDemon.hpc
function extends LaplacesDemon
parallel chains for multicore or cluster high performance computing.
LaplacesDemon(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10000,
Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL),
Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE, DB.MCSE=FALSE,
DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", ...)
LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL,
Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG",
Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE,
DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", Chains=2, CPUs=2,
Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)
Model |
This required argument receives the model from a
user-defined function that must be named Model. The user-defined
function is where the model is specified. |
Data |
This required argument accepts a list of data. The list of
data must contain |
Initial.Values |
For |
Covar |
This argument defaults to |
Iterations |
This required argument accepts integers larger than
10, and determines the number of iterations that Laplace's Demon
will update the parameters while searching for target
distributions. The required amount of computer memory will increase
with |
Status |
This argument accepts an integer between 1 and the
number of iterations, and indicates how often, in iterations, the
user would like the status printed to the screen or log
file. Usually, the following is reported: the number of iterations,
the proposal type (for example, multivariate or componentwise, or
mixture, or subset), and LP. For example, if a model is updated for
1,000 iterations and |
Thinning |
This argument accepts integers between 1 and the
number of iterations, and indicates that every nth iteration will be
retained, while the other iterations are discarded. If
Algorithm |
This argument accepts the abbreviated name of the MCMC algorithm, which must appear in quotes. A list of MCMC algorithms appears below in the Details section, and the abbreviated name is in parenthesis. |
Specs |
This argument defaults to |
Debug |
This argument accepts a list of logical scalars that
control whether or not errors or warnings are reported due to a
LogFile |
This argument is used to specify a log file name in
quotes in the working directory as a destination, rather than the
console, for the output messages of |
Chains |
This argument is required only for
CPUs |
This argument is required for parallel independent or
interactive chains in |
Type |
This argument defaults to |
Packages |
This optional argument is for use with parallel
independent or interacting chains, and defaults to |
Dyn.libs |
This optional argument is for use with parallel
independent or interacting chain, and defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
offers numerous MCMC algorithms for numerical
approximation in Bayesian inference. The algorithms are
Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs (ADMG)
Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs (AGG)
Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (AHMC)
Adaptive Metropolis (AM)
Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (AMWG)
Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis (AMM)
Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler (AIES)
Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis (CHARM)
Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis (DRAM)
Delayed Rejection Metropolis (DRM)
Differential Evolution Markov Chain (DEMC)
Elliptical Slice Sampler (ESS)
Gibbs Sampler (Gibbs)
Griddy-Gibbs (GG)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging (HMCDA)
Hit-And-Run Metropolis (HARM)
Independence Metropolis (IM)
Interchain Adaptation (INCA)
Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA)
Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC)
Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG)
Multiple-Try Metropolis (MTM)
No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS)
Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler (OHSS)
Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (pCN)
Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings (RDMH)
Random-Walk Metropolis (RWM)
Reflective Slice Sampler (RSS)
Refractive Sampler (Refractive)
Reversible-Jump (RJ)
Robust Adaptive Metropolis (RAM)
Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (SAMWG)
Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs (SMWG)
Slice Sampler (Slice)
Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD)
Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (THMC)
t-walk (twalk)
Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler (UESS)
Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (USAMWG)
Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs (USMWG)
It is a goal for the documentation in the LaplacesDemon to be
extensive. However, details of MCMC algorithms are best explored
online at, as well
as in the "LaplacesDemon Tutorial" vignette, and the "Bayesian
Inference" vignette. Algorithm specifications (Specs
) are
listed below:
is used in AFSS, HMCDA, MALA, NUTS, OHSS, and UESS. In MALA, it is the maximum acceptable value of the Euclidean norm of the adaptive parameters mu and sigma, and the Frobenius norm of the covariance matrix. In AFSS, HMCDA, NUTS, OHSS, and UESS, it is the number of initial, adaptive iterations to be discarded as burn-in. -
is the iteration in which adaptation begins, and is used in AM, AMM, DRAM, INCA, and Refractive. Most of these algorithms adapt according to an observed covariance matrix, and should sample before beginning to adapt. -
is the target acceptance rate in MALA and RAM, and is optional in CHARM and HARM. The recommended value for multivariate proposals
, for componentwise proposals
, and for MALA
. -
affects the traverse move in
is recommended. It helps when some parameters are highly correlated, and the correlation structure may change through the state-space. The traverse move is associated with an acceptance rate that decreases as the number of parameters increases, and is the reason thatn1
is used to select a subset of parameters each iteration. If adjusted, it is recommended to stay in the interval [2,10]. -
affects the walk move in twalk, andaw=1.5
is recommended. If adjusted, it is recommended to stay in the interval [0.3,2]. -
is a scale parameter for AIES, and defaults to 2, or an autoregressive parameter for pCN. -
is the scalar size parameter for a binomial prior distribution of model size for the RJ algorithm. -
is the scalar probability parameter for a binomial prior distribution of model size for the RJ algorithm. -
is a list of blocked parameters. Each component of the list represents a block of parameters, and contains a vector in which each element is the position of the associated parameter in parm.names. This function is optional in the AFSS, AMM, AMWG, ESS, HARM, MWG, RAM, RWM, Slice, and UESS algorithms. For more information on blockwise sampling, see theBlocks
function. -
indicates the time-period in which to begin updating (filtering or predicting) in the USAMWG and USMWG algorithms. -
is used in the Slice algorithm. It is a vector of length two with the lower and upper boundary of the slice. For continuous parameters, it is often set to negative and positive infinity, while for discrete parameters it is set to the minimum and maximum discrete values to be sampled. When blocks are used, this must be supplied as a list with the same number of list components as the number of blocks. -
is used in HMCDA, MALA, and NUTS. In HMCDA and NUTS, it is the target acceptance rate, and the recommended value is 0.65 in HMCDA and 0.6 in NUTS. In MALA, it is a constant in the bounded drift function, may be in the interval [1e-10,1000], and 1 is the default. -
is the proposal distribution in RAM, and may either beDist="t"
for t-distributed orDist="N"
for normally-distributed. -
accepts a vector of integers that indicate discrete parameters. This argument is for use with the AGG or GG algorithm. -
is amatrix of dynamic parameters, where
is the number of time-periods and
is the number of dynamic parameters.
is used by SAMWG, SMWG, USAMWG, and USMWG. Non-dynamic parameters are updated first in each sampler iteration, then dynamic parameters are updated in a random order in each time-period, and sequentially by time-period. -
is used in AHMC, HMC, HMCDA, MALA, NUTS, SGLD, and THMC. It is the step-size in all algorithms except MALA. It is a vector equal in length to the number of parameters in AHMC, HMC, and THMC. It is a scalar in HMCDA and NUTS. It is either a scalar or a vector equal in length to the number of iterations in SGLD. Whenepsilon=NULL
in HMCDA or NUTS (only), a reasonable initial value is found. In MALA, it is a vector of length two. The first element is the acceptable minimum of adaptive scale sigma, and the second element is added to the diagonal of the covariance matrix for regularization. -
is used in Gibbs and accepts a function that receives two arguments: the vector of all parameters and the list of data (similar to the Model specification function). FC must return the updated vector of all parameters. The user specifies FC to calculate the full conditional distribution of one or more parameters. -
is the quoted name of a numeric matrix of data, without headers, for SGLD. The big data set must be a .csv file. This matrix hasNr
rows andNc
columns. Each iteration, SGLD will randomly select a block of rows, where the number of rows is specified by thesize
argument. -
is an object of classdemonoid
in the USAMWG and USMWG algorithms. Posterior samples before the time-period specified in theBegin
argument are not updated, and are used instead fromFit
. -
controls the step size in DEMC or the decay of adaptation in MALA and RAM. In DEMC, it is positive and defaults towhen
, whereis the length of initial values. For RAM, it is in the interval (0.5,1], and 0.66 is recommended. For MALA, it is in the interval (1,
), and defaults to 1. -
accepts either a vector or a list of vectors of evenly-spaced points on a grid for the AGG or GG algorithm. When the argument is a vector, the same grid is applied to all parameters. When the argument is a list, each component in the list has a grid that is applied to the corresponding parameter. The algorithm will evaluate each continuous parameter at the latest value plus each point in the grid, or each discrete parameter (seedparm
) at each grid point (which should be each discrete value). -
is a scalar number of proposals in MTM. -
is a scalar number of leapfrog steps in AHMC, HMC, and THMC. WhenL=1
, the algorithm reduces to Langevin Monte Carlo (LMC). -
is used in HMCDA and MCMCMC. In HMCDA, it is a scalar trajectory length. In MCMCMC, it is either a scalar that controls temperature spacing, or a vector of temperature spacings. -
is a scalar maximum forL
(see above) in HMCDA and NUTS. -
is used in the AFSS, AHMC, HMC, Refractive, RSS, Slice, THMC, and UESS algorithms. In AHMC, HMC, and THMC, it is amass matrix for
initial values. In AFSS and UESS, it is a scalar, and is the maximum number of steps for creating the slice interval. In Refractive and RSS, it is a scalar, and is the number of steps to take per iteration. In Slice, it is either a scalar or a list with as many list components as blocks. It must be an integer in [1,Inf], and indicates the maximum number of steps for creating the slice interval.
is a vector that is equal in length to the initial values. This vector will be used as the mean of the proposal distribution, and is usually the posterior mode of a previously-updatedLaplaceApproximation
. -
is used in Gibbs to specify a vector of parameters that are to receive Metropolis-within-Gibbs updates. Each element is an integer that indicates the parameter. -
is either the number of (un-parallelized) parallel chains in DEMC (and must be at least 3) or the number of columns of big data in SGLD. -
is the number of rows of big data in SGLD. -
is the number of previous iterations in ADMG, AFSS, AMM, AMWG, OHSS, RAM, and UESS. -
affects the size of the subset of each set of points to adjust, and is used in twalk. It relates to the number of parameters, andn1=4
is recommended. If adjusted, it is recommended to stay in the interval [2,20]. -
is a vector of probabilities for parameter selection in the RJ algorithm, and must be equal in length to the number of initial values. -
is a scalar used in the Refractive algorithm to indicate the ratio between r1 and r2. -
specifies how often in iterations the adaptive algorithm should adapt, and is used by AHMC, AM, AMM, AMWG, DRAM, INCA, SAMWG, and USAMWG. IfPeriodicity=10
, then the algorithm adapts every 10th iteration. A higherPeriodicity
is associated with an algorithm that runs faster, because it does not have to calculate adaptation as often, though the algorithm adapts less often to the target distributions, so it is a trade-off. It is recommended to use the lowest value that runs fast enough to suit the user, or provide sufficient adaptation. -
is a vector of indicators of whether or not a parameter is selectable for variable selection in the RJ algorithm. Non-selectable parameters are assigned a zero, and are always in the model. Selectable parameters are assigned a one. This vector must be equal in length to the number of initial values. -
is a vector of indicators of whether or not each parameter is selected when the RJ algorithm begins, and must be equal in length to the number of initial values. -
stands for secondary initial values and is used by twalk.SIV
must be the same length asInitial.Values
, and each element of these two vectors must be unique from each other, both before and after being passed to theModel
defaults toNULL
, in which case values are generated withGIV
. -
is the number of rows of big data to be read into SGLD each iteration. -
is the maximum allowable tuning parameter sigma, the standard deviation of the conditional distribution, in the AGG algorithm. -
is used in the THMC algorithm to heat up the momentum in the first half of the leapfrog steps, and then cool down the momentum in the last half.Temperature
must be positive. When greater than 1, THMC should explore more diffuse distributions, and may be helpful with multimodal distributions. -
is used in the Slice algorithm. It is either a scalar or a list with the same number of list components as blocks. This accepts"Continuous"
for continuous parameters,"Nominal"
for discrete parameters that are unordered, and"Ordinal"
for discrete parameters that are ordered. -
is used in AFSS, AMM, DEMC, Refractive, RSS, and Slice. It is a mixture weight for both the AMM and DEMC algorithms, and in these algorithms it is in the interval (0,1]. For AMM, it is recommended to usew=0.05
, as per Roberts and Rosenthal (2009). The two mixture components in AMM are adaptive multivariate and static/symmetric univariate proposals. The mixture is determined at each iteration with mixture weightw
. In the AMM algorithm, a higher value ofw
is associated with more static/symmetric univariate proposals, and a lowerw
is associated with more adaptive multivariate proposals. AMM will be unable to include the multivariate mixture component until it has accumulated some history, and models with more parameters will take longer to be able to use adaptive multivariate proposals. In DEMC, it indicates the probability that each iteration uses a snooker update, rather than a projection update, and the recommended default isw=0.1
. In the Refractive algorithm,w
is a scalar step size parameter. In AFSS, RSS, and the Slice algorithms, this is a step size interval for creating the slice interval. In AFSS and RSS, a scalar or vector equal in length the number of initial values is accepted. In Slice, a scalar or a list with a number of list components equal to the number of blocks is accepted. -
accepts amatrix or
array of thinned samples for
thinned iterations,
parameters, and
chains for DEMC.
defaults toNULL
. The matrix of thinned posterior samples from a previous run may be used, in which case the samples are copied across the chains.
returns an object of class demonoid
, and
returns an object of class
that is a list of objects of class
, where the number of components in the list
is the number of parallel chains. Each object of class demonoid
is a list with the following components:
Acceptance.Rate |
This is the acceptance rate of the MCMC
algorithm, indicating the percentage of iterations in which the
proposals were accepted. For more information on acceptance rates,
see the |
Algorithm |
This reports the specific algorithm used. |
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Covar |
This stores the |
CovarDHis |
This |
Deviance |
This is a vector of the deviance of the model, with a length equal to the number of thinned samples that were retained. Deviance is useful for considering model fit, and is equal to the sum of the log-likelihood for all rows in the data set, which is then multiplied by negative two. |
DIC1 |
This is a vector of three values: Dbar, pD, and DIC. Dbar
is the mean deviance, pD is a measure of model complexity indicating
the effective number of parameters, and DIC is the Deviance
Information Criterion, which is a model fit statistic that is the
sum of Dbar and pD. |
DIC2 |
This is identical to |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector of |
Iterations |
This reports the number of |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
Minutes |
This indicates the number of minutes that
Model |
This contains the model specification |
Monitor |
This is a vector or matrix of one or more monitored
variables, which are variables that were specified in the
Parameters |
This reports the number of parameters. |
Posterior1 |
This is a matrix of marginal posterior distributions composed of thinned samples, with a number of rows equal to the number of thinned samples and a number of columns equal to the number of parameters. This matrix includes all thinned samples. |
Posterior2 |
This is a matrix equal to |
Rec.BurnIn.Thinned |
This is the recommended burn-in for the
thinned samples, where the value indicates the first row that was
stationary across all parameters, and previous rows are discarded
as burn-in. Samples considered as burn-in are discarded because they
do not represent the target distribution and have not adequately
forgotten the initial value of the chain (or Markov chain, if
Rec.BurnIn.UnThinned |
This is the recommended burn-in for all samples, in case thinning will not be necessary. |
Rec.Thinning |
This is the recommended value for the
Specs |
This is an optional list of algorithm specifications. |
Status |
This is the value in the |
Summary1 |
This is a matrix that summarizes the marginal
posterior distributions of the parameters, deviance, and monitored
variables over all samples in |
Summary2 |
This matrix is identical to the matrix in
Thinned.Samples |
This is the number of thinned samples that were retained. |
Thinning |
This is the value of the |
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See Also
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples.
#################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library #####################
############################## Demon Data ###############################
y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories)
X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1)))
J <- ncol(X)
for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j])
######################### Data List Preparation #########################
mon.names <- "LP"
parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0))
pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names)
pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names)
PGF <- function(Data) {
beta <- rnorm(Data$J)
sigma <- runif(1)
return(c(beta, sigma))
MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names,
parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y)
########################## Model Specification ##########################
Model <- function(parm, Data)
### Parameters
beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta]
sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf)
parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma
### Log-Prior
beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE))
sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE)
### Log-Likelihood
mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta))
LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE))
### Log-Posterior
LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior
Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP,
yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm)
#Model <- cmpfun(Model) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed
############################ Initial Values #############################
Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE)
# Examples of MCMC Algorithms #
#################### Automated Factor Slice Sampler #####################
Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
Algorithm="AFSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0, w=1))
#caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta")
#BurnIn <- Fit$Rec.BurnIn.Thinned
#plot(Fit, BurnIn, MyData, PDF=FALSE)
#Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1)
#summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square")
#plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData)
#plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9)
#plot(Pred, Style="ECDF")
#plot(Pred, Style="Fitted")
#plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera")
#plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles")
#plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density")
#plot(Pred, Style="Residuals")
#Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square")
############# Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs ##############
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="ADMG", Specs=list(n=0, Periodicity=50))
######################## Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs ##########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AGG", Specs=list(Grid=GaussHermiteQuadRule(3)$nodes,
# dparm=NULL, smax=Inf, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL))
################## Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo #####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AHMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.02, L=2, m=NULL,
# Periodicity=10))
########################## Adaptive Metropolis ##########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10))
################### Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AMWG", Specs=list(B=NULL, n=0, Periodicity=50))
###################### Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis ######################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AMM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, B=NULL, n=0,
# Periodicity=10, w=0.05))
################### Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler ###################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="AIES", Specs=list(Nc=2*length(Initial.Values), Z=NULL,
# beta=2, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL))
################# Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis ##################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=NULL)
########### Componentwise Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis #############
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=list(
################# Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis #################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="DRAM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10))
##################### Delayed Rejection Metropolis ######################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="DRM", Specs=NULL)
################## Differential Evolution Markov Chain ##################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="DEMC", Specs=list(Nc=3, Z=NULL, gamma=NULL, w=0.1))
####################### Elliptical Slice Sampler ########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="ESS", Specs=list(B=NULL))
############################# Gibbs Sampler #############################
### NOTE: Unlike the other samplers, Gibbs requires specifying a
### function (FC) that draws from full conditionals.
#FC <- function(parm, Data)
# {
# ### Parameters
# beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta]
# sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf)
# sigma2 <- sigma*sigma
# ### Hyperparameters
# betamu <- rep(0,length(beta))
# betaprec <- diag(length(beta))/1000
# ### Update beta
# XX <- crossprod(Data$X)
# Xy <- crossprod(Data$X, Data$y)
# IR <- backsolve(chol(XX/sigma2 + betaprec), diag(length(beta)))
# btilde <- crossprod(t(IR)) %*% (Xy/sigma2 + betaprec %*% betamu)
# beta <- btilde + IR %*% rnorm(length(beta))
# return(c(beta,sigma))
# }
##FC <- cmpfun(FC) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="Gibbs", Specs=list(FC=FC, MWG=pos.sigma))
############################# Griddy-Gibbs ##############################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="GG", Specs=list(Grid=seq(from=-0.1, to=0.1, len=5),
# dparm=NULL, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL))
####################### Hamiltonian Monte Carlo #########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="HMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL))
############# Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging ###############
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="HMCDA", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.65, epsilon=NULL,
# Lmax=1000, lambda=0.1))
####################### Hit-And-Run Metropolis ##########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="HARM", Specs=NULL)
################## Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis ####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="HARM", Specs=list(, B=NULL))
######################## Independence Metropolis ########################
### Note: the mu and Covar arguments are populated from a previous Laplace
### Approximation.
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=Fit$Covar, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="IM",
# Specs=list(mu=Fit$Summary1[1:length(Initial.Values),1]))
######################### Interchain Adaptation #########################
#Initial.Values <- rbind(Initial.Values, GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE))
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="INCA", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10),
# LogFile="MyLog", Chains=2, CPUs=2, Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL,
# Dyn.libs=NULL)
################ Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm #################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="MALA", Specs=list(A=1e7,, gamma=1,
# delta=1, epsilon=c(1e-6,1e-7)))
############# Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo ###############
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="MCMCMC", Specs=list(lambda=1, CPUs=2, Packages=NULL,
# Dyn.libs=NULL))
####################### Metropolis-within-Gibbs #########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL))
######################## Multiple-Try Metropolis ########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="MTM", Specs=list(K=4, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL))
########################## No-U-Turn Sampler ############################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="NUTS", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.6, epsilon=NULL,
# Lmax=Inf))
################# Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler ##################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="OHSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, n=0))
##################### Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson #####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="pCN", Specs=list(beta=0.1))
###################### Robust Adaptive Metropolis #######################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="RAM", Specs=list(, B=NULL, Dist="N",
# gamma=0.66, n=0))
################### Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings ####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="RDMH", Specs=NULL)
########################## Refractive Sampler ###########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="Refractive", Specs=list(Adaptive=1, m=2, w=0.1, r=1.3))
########################### Reversible-Jump #############################
#bin.n <- J-1
#bin.p <- 0.2
#parm.p <- c(1, rep(1/(J-1),(J-1)), 1)
#selectable <- c(0, rep(1,J-1), 0)
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="RJ", Specs=list(bin.n=bin.n, bin.p=bin.p,
# parm.p=parm.p, selectable=selectable,
# selected=c(0,rep(1,J-1),0)))
######################## Random-Walk Metropolis #########################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="RWM", Specs=NULL)
######################## Reflective Slice Sampler #######################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="RSS", Specs=list(m=5, w=1e-5))
############## Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ##############
#NOTE: The SAMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs)
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="SAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50))
################## Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ###################
#NOTE: The SMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs)
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="SMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn))
############################# Slice Sampler #############################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="Slice", Specs=list(B=NULL, Bounds=c(-Inf,Inf), m=100,
# Type="Continuous", w=1))
################# Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics #################
#NOTE: The Data and Model functions must be coded differently for SGLD.
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=10, Thinning=10,
# Algorithm="SGLD", Specs=list(epsilon=1e-4, file="X.csv", Nr=1e4,
# Nc=6, size=10))
################### Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ####################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="THMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL,
# Temperature=2))
############################### t-walk #################################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="twalk", Specs=list(SIV=NULL, n1=4, at=6, aw=1.5))
################# Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler #################
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1,
# Algorithm="UESS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0))
########## Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs #########
#NOTE: The USAMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100,
# Algorithm="USAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50, Fit=Fit,
# Begin=T.m))
############## Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ##############
#NOTE: The USMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating
#Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
# Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100,
# Algorithm="USMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Fit=Fit, Begin=T.m))