data_repeat_outcomes {Landmarking} | R Documentation |
Simulated repeat measurement and time-to-event data
A simulated dataset which is a combination of longitudinal (repeat measurement) data and time-to-event data.This dataset contains simulated data from 3000 patients.
The longitudinal (repeat measurement) data is formed using an LME model, whose parameters were based on CVD risk assessments recorded at primary care practices in New Zealand.
A LME model was fitted to this dataset and values of sbp_stnd
and tchdl_stnd
were estimated at landmark age 60. These values (along with the other baseline covariates)
were used to simulate time-to-event data from a
cause specific model with parameters based on CVD events of patients
at primary care practices in New Zealand.
A dataset with 9048 rows and 14 columns:
- id
Patient ID
- smoking
Smoking status, 0 indicates the patient has never smoked, 1 indicates the patient has quit smoking, and 2 indicates the patient is a current smoker
- diabetes
Diabetes status, 0 indicates the patient is not diagnosed with diabetes, and 1 indicates the patient is diagnosed with diabetes
- ethnicity
Ethnicity, one of five ethnicities
- deprivation
Deprivation score, quintiles
- index
An index indicating assessment number for a patient
- sbp_stnd
Standardised systolic blood pressure
- tchdl_stnd
Standardised total cholesterol to HDL ratio
- end_of_study_age
Age that individual left the study, either the age at event (CVD or death) or age at end of study (1st Jan 2010)
- response_time_tchdl_stnd
Age that total cholesterol to HDL ratio was recorded
- response_time_sbp_stnd
Age that systolic blood pressure was recorded, this is the same as the date that the fixed measures were recorded
- start_time
Age the individual entered follow-up
- event_status
Event status, 0 indicates censoring, 1 indicates CVD event, and 2 indicates death from other causes
- event_time
Event time