calculate_gaps_perc | Compute the percentile value of each height |
get_cbh_metrics | Methods to estimated the Crown Base Height of a tree: maximum LAD percentage, maximum distance and the last distance |
get_cum_break | CBH estimation using the breaking point method and the LAD percentage below and above the CBH |
get_depths | Fuels depth in meters |
get_distance | Distances between fuel layers |
get_effective_gap | Effective Distances between fuel layers |
get_gaps_fbhs | Gaps and Fuel layers Base Height (FBH) |
get_layers_lad | Leaf Area Density (LAD) percentage comprised in each effective fuel layer |
get_plots_cbh_bp | Plot of the Crown Base Height (CBH) based on the breaking point method |
get_plots_cbh_LAD | Plots the Crown Base Height (CBH) based on the maximum LAD percentage criterium |
get_plots_cbh_lastdist | Plots the Crown Base Height (CBH) based on the last distance criterium |
get_plots_cbh_maxdist | Plots the Crown Base Height (CBH) based on the maximum distance criterium |
get_plots_effective | Plots of fuel layers with LAD percentage > 10 |
get_plots_gap_fbh | Plots of tree profiles with gaps and fuel layers base height (fbh) |
get_real_depths | Effective fuel layers depth |
get_real_fbh | Fuels base height recalculation after after considering distances greater than any number of height bin steps |
get_renamed0_df | Rename and reorder columns (I) |
get_renamed_df | Rename and reorder columns (II) |